30: flower crowns -gerard

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Short chapter, I might post again later...

I'm so fucking nervous.


I could get in so much trouble.

While walking to math I pass Phil's class.

"Gerard," Phil's says.

I turn around and wave, "hi,"

"Since I don't have you for class today, I wanted to say happy birthday and give you these." He pulls out some different flower crowns, "dan and my old flower crowns, I figured you'd use them more then us,"

I look at them and hug him, "you're literally the best."

"You're welcome, I didn't know if it seemed weird or not."

I take them happily, "thank you so much,," I put on the pink one and hold the others. 

"You're welcome," he smiles and I walk to class.

I smile the whole way.

"Hi Frankie!" I nearly squeal.

"Hi, where'd you get the flower crowns?" He asks.

"Phil gave them to me and you're required to wear one today, those are the rules."

He sighs and chooses the black one and I put it on. "You look adorable apple juice," I smile.

"Aww thanks easter egg." He says back.

I'm able to put the rest in my locker.

I run back to class and sit next to Frank.

I kinda stare of into space for a bit and think about what I'm doing today. So much could go wrong with the plan. I could get in so much trouble. It's not bad, just not normal... Unless you're in high school musical.

I get poked, "are you okay?" Frank asks.


"Okay, you just look a bit nervous and if it makes you feel better I was nervous about the clothes thing, but it turned out great. So what I'm saying is I'm sure it'll turn out fine whatever you're planning." He says.

"Thanks Frank,"

The rest of the class is me not knowing what's going on and wondering how I'm passing.

We each go to our 3rd period class.

One oblivious to what was about to happen, the other overly nervous.

there isnt enough soulmate frerard fanfics so i made oneWhere stories live. Discover now