32: And I was 14 -gerard

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The group walks to my house.

I've never seen Frank smile so much.

Cute ass bitch.

We walk in the house and Frank instantly runs to my room to change.

"Hi" I yell and my mom walks out. "This is, billie, Pete, Lindsey, Ray and Awsten."

"Hi guys, I'll probably be making something, Gee what do you want?"

"Is your mac and cheese okay?"

She nods and smiles, "yeah,"

I bring them to my room and the door is open. They sit down, and I run to Mikey's room, I knock loudly, "ay idiot, you can join us when you want to."

"Ok" he responds.

I get back to my room and run over and plop on Frank.


"Hi Gee," he kisses me and I smile.

 "if you're going to be like this the whole time I will jump out the window."

I laugh.

"Hey what soulmate thing did you get,"

"The mark."

"Can I see?" Lindsey asks interested.

I snort, "no, short or long answer?"

"Long." Billie says.

I nod, "Ok, well there are obviously different types of marks, but they're are also variations." They nod interested, "so like Franks wrists," I hold them up. "He has a variation of the tattoo, there are different variations. There's the worst one, last words tattoo, first words tattoo, and there's the one that Frank has he met his soulmate then lost contact then re met them in this case it happens to be me,"

"Uh, what about the 16 thing? Is that true, do you always get it when your 16?" Billie asks

I shake my head, "no, hell no most people get it at 16, you can get it earlier or later... there's a few factors to it, but it's fairly common to get it early or late. The factors I know are genetics and birthdays. If your soulmates birthday is before yours you typically get it on their birthday instead of your own. Like with Frank, his birthday isn't for months, but he has his... and I just got mine early."

"Really?" I nod.

"Anyway, there are two variations of the mark, the most known variation and my variation... It's easy to tell the difference, one under pigments the skin, one over pigments the skin. The more common one, is when, you've never meet them, haven't been in the same room as them where they first touch you, my variation is like Franks, essentially I met then met him again." 

"Why can't we see?"

Mikey walks in at that moment and sits down. "Hi I'm his cool ass brother Mikey," he looks around, "ayy, hey ray, what's up fro dude."

"N-nothing just here"

He nods, "well I'll be over here."

"So remember Franks first day of school?" I ask.

"No way, it's on your dick?" Lindsey asks and I nod.

"And I was 14..."

They all look very surprised.

I shrug before Frank asks me a question, "why didn't you tell me it was me when you found out?"

I smile, "I wanted you to find out on your own. I wanted to see how happy you'd be, I wanted to see your smile,"

He doesn't say anything he just kisses me softly. "You're sweet,"

"I know this is a typical question, but what is y'alls dream career, I kinda don't want to watch my  brother and his boyfriend make out," Mikey asks and I throw a pillow at him.

Everyone says they want to be in a band but me, "I wanna be a teacher, or music I guess" I say. They look at me, "I wanna teach high school, you know how we have a separate class we take for the marks, I wanna teach that, I've heard everywhere that most of those teachers aren't good ones either, I want people to know actual information about that stuff."

We talk about random shit until we're called down for dinner.

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