35: frik your chicken strips -fronk

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The next chapter is the last chapter....

I would just like to say thank you for everyone who's read this so far, I didn't think It any one would read this...

~A some months later~

Well, I didn't think she'd do it.

Lemme give some context.

A few months ago some guy was harassing Alexis, naturally I beat his ass, saving her from the bitch I guess. In reality he probably would've done it again and honestly anyone like that deserves to be beat.

She apologized to everyone.

Including Gerard and Ray.

She apologized to everyone and their friends.

I've noticed that she doesn't approch random people and make fun of them. She's kept to herself.

I'm sure it's a weird thing to notice about your ex, but Gerard fucking noticed too.

The whole school seems quieter.

It's very strange.


I sit down at the table.

"This seems off," and before someone could respond some girl walks up to me.

"How did you get her to stop?"

"I did what now?" I ask confused.

"We asked Alexis why she's apologising to everyone and she said because of you."

"I don't know how I did it." I shrug.

After lunch Alexis approches me in the hall one last time, "I truly am sorry, I'll leave you guys alone now."

"Thank you for realizing what you did."

She nods and walks off.

~time skip~

I play with his hair as he lays on me, his head on my chest.

God he's so amazing, he's so fucking amazing, his cute smile with his cute little teeth, or his adorable giggle, or his beautiful eyes that have this sparkle when the light hits just right. How he could pull off any outfit he wants. He could fucking make a trash bag look nice.

He'll go out of his way to help someone even if they don't deserve it. Even if it's small like help pick something up that was dropped. He goes out of his way to help people. He is so fucking strong, he fucking hid his thoughts, his emotions, his stupid jokes or weird ass remarks. He still hides them a lot. It's really annoying that he hides them from people.

I love it. I love it all. What he thinks are his flaws or I love the things that everyone notices and I love the things that people don't know about.

I love it all.

I love him.

I fucking love him.

I just lay shocked.

How didn't I realize this before?

He places my hand in his hair. I don't move it like I normally would.

"Frank you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, Gee I am. I feel fucking fantastic." I smile and kiss him.

I start playing with his hair again.

~senior year~

 We approach the school.

"I don't know what to say, I don't have to act anymore, frank, I'm free," I walk in with him. "hey what do you want for lunch?"

"chicken strips" I say at the same time as he says "pizza"


"yay, I got my chicken strips," I smile.

"fuck your chicken strips" he half yells.

The cafeteria goes quiet and some guy yells, "the innocent pastel aint so innocent any more huh?"

Gerard smiles, "I haven't been innocent for years now, y'all still thought I was innocent?" 

I hear someone say it was my fault somehow. 

"y'all wanna start blaming my boyfriend? I've been like this before I knew him. He's the only one who saw through the god damn innocent act."

Our table goes back to mostly normal conversation, he leans his head on my shoulder.

"I love you Frankie," 

"I love you too Gee,"

"Hey Frankie," 

"Yeah Gee?"

"you lost the bet... can you please get me some ice cream?"

"is this just the beginning?" He nods. "fuck, um... I'll be back."

there isnt enough soulmate frerard fanfics so i made oneWhere stories live. Discover now