Like Rabbits

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Trixie woke up naked and alone. Her head felt fuzzy and she felt feverish. There came a light tapping on her door. "Give me a minute." Grabbing some jeans she frantically dressed then looked over her room quickly to make sure nothing was out of place. Petra stood at her door, her face was streaked red, it was clear she was crying.

"Petra, what's wrong?" Trixie gasped trying to push the haziness away. She held up her hand, there was blood on her fingers. "I don't know Trixie, I just started bleeding. Is something wrong with the baby?", She began to cry again.

"I think I should get the Doc Petra." Trixie was standing next to Petra who was lying on the exam table. Petra reached out and snatched her by the hand, "No, I don't want him to touch me!" Trixie's eyes widened, "Okay," She eased Petra back down, "Let me see if I can hear a heartbeat. Have you felt the baby move yet?" Petra shook her head, worry played across her face. "You're only 20 weeks along, it's okay." She placed the stethoscope on Petra's slightly rounded belly, she could hear the rapid whoosh. Meeting Petra's eyes she calmly stated, "I think I hear it, I really need to go get the Doc. "As Petra shook her head in objection as a voice came from the doorway.

"Get me for what?" Dr. Mullens was staring from one to the other. Petra protested, "Trixie no." Trixie gently grabbed Petra's hand, "I won't leave. I promise." Petra's terrified eyed jutted from the Doc back to Trixie. "She started bleeding this morning." Dr. Mullens stiffened up and strode over. "How are you feeling Petra?" "Scared!" "No I mean is there any pain? Cramping? Anything different?" She shook her head, "No, just blood." He pulled the stethoscope from around Trixie's neck and settled it in his ears. After listening for a moment he looked at Trixie and smiled, "Did you hear this?" Concern played across her face now, why was he smiling? "How much blood was it Petra?" She looked at him confuse, "A lot." He twitched, "Like a period?" "No not that much." "Did it stop?" Trixie answered for her, "About five minutes before you came in."

"It can be normal for some bleeding in the first couple trimesters. As a precaution I'd suggest bedrest until delivery, just to be on the safe side. And if you start to have any pain, fever, cramps or more bleeding let us know. Trixie do we have a sonogram machine?" He was very direct at this moment, much like at the WOLF clinic. She looked at him like he was crazy, "Doc what you see is what you get." "That's what I thought. You'll be fine Petra, do you have someone to look over you?" Trixie stepped in again, "Yeah, she's been sharing a room with Sadie. I'll let her know." She helped Petra off the table and took her out.

Trixie walked into the office after taking care of Petra, the Doc was sitting in Milly's chair, his chair. "I left early this morning, didn't think you'd want me to stay." At that moment that was the last thought in her head. "Is Petra really going to be okay?" Doc nodded, "Yeah, as for the baby I don't know. I don't have any of my equipment here." Trixie's jaw dropped slightly, "You lied to her?" Looking attacked he said, "No, bleeding can be normal. I really can't check for anything. I'm like a glorified midwife in this situation." "How can you be so brash?" He leaned back in his chair, "I'm brash? That's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black now isn't it?"

"What's wrong with you? She 16 and pregnant!" He came forward in his chair resting his elbows on his knees, "What part of that is bothering you most Trixie? The fact that she's 16 or pregnant?" Shaking her head in disgust she back up, "My problem is you put it in her." She walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Trixie check in the infirmary to make sure no one else was waiting and headed back to her room. She had forgotten to take her pills in the rush with Petra.

Back in her room she reached for the bottles and stopped, her sketch book caught her eye. She opened it, flipping through the pages she found a drawing of Kaleb. Remembering the inspiration on the day she drew it. He was sitting on the bank of the river with them, Ryan had said something to him and it made him smile like a little boy again. Irritation flooded her as she slapped the book shut and grabbed her pills. A hand came around her waist and another around her shoulder, startled she dropped the pills.

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