Dr. Shitshow and His Magic Bag

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Dr. Mullens sat on the floor, holding a blood soaked rag to his nose, his left eye was already swelling. Kaleb, Trixie and a few of the men were searching his room. "Look in his bag." Trixie stated, arms folded across her stomach. Kaleb reached down and jerked the bag away from him. Inside was the notebooks with Petra and Trixie's name on them and various pharmacy stock bottles. "What are theses?" Trixie asked as she rolled them around, she didn't recognize the drug names at all. Dr. Mullens looked up at her, but didn't answer her.

"Kaleb?" David had threw the bed from its frame, under it there were dozens of notebooks with names written across them. "There are more here than just the girls we rescued." The Doc cleared his throat, it was more than obvious he was growing nervous. Trixie went and grabbed one, she flipped through the book finding where the data had stopped. She read for a moment, "Are these all of them?" Swallowing hard he looked hard at her, "Not all, but most."

"What are they?" Kaleb asked. Her grip on the notebook tightened, "Patient notes, experiment logs, everything he needs to continue the work here, without starting from scratch." The Doc mumbled from under the rag, "Not everything." She walked over and ripped the rag from his face, blood slowly trickled down, his nose was clearly broken. "Not a staff of brainwashed nurses and guards to help you out?" As the blood slowly met his lip it dripped onto his chest, he shook his head.

Kaleb was behind her when he nudged her with her own notebook, she turned and grabbed it. Still crouching next to the bleeding Doctor she began reading it. There wasn't much after the clinic notes, but what was there made her blood boil. He was actively tracking her fertile times over the last several months, and the notes of the medications he had her on were a mix of fertility drugs and psychological inhibitors. She may have been impulsive and a wreck before this but he had pushed her to the brink of being completely unstable.

Trixie reached over, grabbed the Docs nose and twisted. He screamed as the blood poured down, a sick smile spread across her face as she watched it. "Now that it's set, it shouldn't affect your breathing." Involuntary tears had rushed down his face, the reactions to nose nerves always fascinated Trixie. Once she stood back up and moved away from him, he scrambled to the rag.

David looked over a Kaleb, "The Tank?" Kaleb nodded.

When he was 14, Jacob Mullens had been pulled from his high school classes and put into WOLF's elite school of medical arts. It wasn't just him, Wolf had made sure that children in the city were placed accordingly to their induvial abilities and learning advancements. Being some of the last generations they had to be pushed to the limits, educating them earlier and more aggressively.

By the time he was 17 he was working beside the wonderful Dr. Gregory Peterson. The man was a legend and often was rubbing elbows with the heads of WOLF. Jacob idolized him, and even though there were six other students in training the good doctor held Jacob as a son. There was clear favoritism shown toward Jacob, but it wasn't unearned. Dr. Peterson was astounded by the young man's ability to compartmentalize any emotions he may have had toward the materials at hand. Jacob never showed any ethical boundaries, learning more and going further than any other student.

At 21 he had earned his doctorate and a place in the WOLF laboratories. Dr. Peterson had asked him why he worked so hard it became clear that the virus had personally affected his own family. His mother and younger sister had been victims of the virus as well. He watched the heartbreak first hand, and was driven to stop it.

He began running one of the five official clinics when he was just 24. Already completing and publishing several successful experiments, along with even more disastrous failures. But like most scientist in this time, the disasters where just clues, leading them to their ultimate goal. His clinic had the highest numbers of successful live births, even though none of the newborn female were showing hopes of future fertility or viral immunity. He was already working on that problem, receiving and sending information along to Dr. Peterson.

Trixie was sitting in the office, surrounded by stacks of notebook and several of the pharmacy stock bottles; when Kaleb walked in. "Have you figured out what they are?" Leaning back she rubbed her eyes, they ached, "Yes, and no." He sat down across from her, "Huh?" "They seem to be WOLF's own cocktail, mostly fertility drugs. They aren't a combination of anything I've ever read about, but the effects are off the charts. There's no way girls could continually take these without some pretty nasty side effects. There is one notation of a 17 year old girl carrying septuplets." Kaleb's eyes widened, "What happened to her?" She closed her eyes, "It didn't end well. This shit is like reading from a Nazi how to guide."

"What are we going to do with Dr. Mullens?" Trixie asked him. Kaleb leaned forward, "I was going to take him out into the woods tonight and kill him." Her brows furrowed at him, "Was?" Kaleb picked up a notebook, "How can we be sure that you are going to be okay, if Petra is going to be okay? You said it yourself, you don't even know what the drugs are. I'm not saying at all to give him the liberties he had, but I think he might still be needed. At least for the next nine months." Trixie could feel the contents of her stomach trying to come back up, the pit in there was telling her that Kaleb was right. "Kaleb we can't take anything he says at face value, he's clearly still the monster he was months ago." He nodded in agreement, "Yeah, but we both know that he isn't going to do anything that will jeopardize his experiments." Experiments, Kaleb meant the children growing inside Petra and Trixie.

"I'm going to go talk to him, " Kaleb said standing. Trixie stood too, "No, last time you 'talked' to him you broke his nose. Then he stopped talking." "You're not going alone." She shook her head, "No, you and David are coming." After collecting David the three headed down to the Tank. Kaleb opened the door as he stepped inside he removed the. 45 from his hip holster. The doctor stood, good eye widened and he waited. David was waiting to the side of the door, outside of the room, also with his side arm drawn. They were no longer taking any chances with the Doctor.

Trixie stepped in and tossed her and Petra's notebooks down at his feet. "Don't think that by us letting you live that you're no longer in danger. You will be allowed to take your stupid notes, and exam us. Purely on the basis that we have no idea what you have done to us, or our unborn. You will not be allowed to leave this room otherwise. " "And that doesn't bother you?" He hadn't stood up, or even moved at this point. "Letting you live? No it bothers me very much."

Dr. Mullens blinked at her, "That's not what I meant, " He pointed at her belly, "That is half mine, half my DNA. Keeping the father of your child locked up like an animal doesn't bother you?" Her smile was more of a snarl, "Keeping a dangerous animal locked up doesn't bother me at all. You're right where you belong." She stood up and slowly walked out, followed by Kaleb.

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