Where From Here

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They were out of the tunnel, but not out of danger. Kaleb's mind raced as he looked over the scores of people, trying to locate Trixie. It might have been cold hearted but at this time he only wanted to grab her and run, these other people could figure out what they wanted to do later. It was Petra he saw first, looking much like she had at the Den, pregnant and scared. He walked over to her, she leapt at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. The awkward hug was a welcomed surprise, her large belly bumping him back. "Oh Kaleb, I'm so glad to see you! We knew you would find us!" As he hugged her, he patted the back of her head, she was a child to him, an unfortunate child of war. "Do I get one?" Dove's voice had come from behind Petra, she pushed herself away from Kaleb. He could see the look of utter shock on her face as she slowly turned to see Dove.

"How did..." Was all Petra could get out before Dove wrapped her in the same hug that Petra had just forced on Kaleb. "We've been looking since the beginning Petra, we never stopped looking." Tears ran down both of the girl's faces. Petra broke the hug, wiping the tears from her now muddy face, "Is Sky and Walter here too?" She asked excitedly. Dove nodded then began to look around, "Somewhere." Petra turned to Kaleb, "You found them?" Kaleb shook his head smiling, "No, they found me. They saved me." Tears started to fall from her eyes again, happy ones.

Rhys had found Kaleb, standing next to the girls in their hysterical happiness. "Did you hear another explosion?" Kaleb looked at him hard, "No, I didn't." Rhys' jaw tightened, "That stupid son of a bitch. We got to get moving now! They still have access to leave; they are going to be coming after us." Swallowing hard Kaleb nodded, "I need to find Trixie first." Rhys looked at him funny then pointed out toward the dark forest, "She's in the tree line, over there." Kaleb nodded and grabbed Rhys' shirt, "Get everybody ready, we need to get moving before daybreak."

She was sitting on the forest floor in a daze when Kaleb approached her. "Trix? You okay?" Without looking away from the darkness that swallowed up any light in the thick trees she nodded. "We need to get going, doesn't look like Cicero came through on his part. They're going to be after us." He urged leaning down to help her stand. "We have to get far away." She said, she sounding so far away.

Rhys had alerted everyone that they needed to get moving. Sky and Walter had found Dove and Petra and it was a short reunion. Rhys was effective in his motivation of the others, and soon they were moving through the darkness of the trees. "Where are we going?" Kaleb asked him, Trixie held against his body as they walked in the front. "Anywhere but here for now. I don't know of any certain place to go." Rhys said as they pushed forward. "What about your Den?" He asked Kaleb. He shook his head, "Ferals know about that place, and WOLF has hit it twice. It wouldn't be safe." "We're not safe now Kaleb." "I think we should move north, towards the mountains. Hard enough passes through there, they will eventually lose us." Kaleb stated.

"Winter ends late and starts early in the mountains Kaleb, I don't think any of us would be prepared for that." "Do you know of any settlements in the mountains? Any Feral Territory?" " Rhys shook his head, it was barely visible with the tree tops crowded together. "No, they won't go there. Winter is too harsh and there isn't anyone to steal from up there." Rhys was beginning to feel like this was an argument that was just going in circles. "Exactly. At the very least we will be safe until we can figure out where the hell to take all these people."

As the sun began to rise the group took a break. It was time to talk, eat and rest. There were several pregnant women amongst them now and it was evident they needed to stop. Kaleb and Trixie could find Petra and her family quicker now that the sun was coming up. "Rhys says you think we should head to the mountains. I don't know if that is the best idea Kaleb." Walter said wearily. "It's just until we're safe and can figure out where we are going." He replied. "I think our goals are different from here Kaleb, no disrespect intended." He was still holding onto Trixie, "What do you mean?" Dove started, "Kaleb you're looking for a place to settle, our group doesn't settle. That's how we've managed to stay safe." He looked around at the group, "No disrespect intended Dove, but you and Petra were the only two women in this group, and I don't see any children. Twenty years the Den stood, and a third of its inhabitants were children and women. It seems that it's your camp is the more dangerous one."

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