Opening up the Rabbit Hole

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Walter woke up stiff that morning, Cicero woke him and Kaleb he liked to make sure the guys all had time to eat and wake up before working. Walter rolled his head as Kaleb grunted in pain himself as he rose from the floor. "You feeling rough this morning son?" Kaleb looked up somberly, "I think I felt better the day after I was shot." Walter started to laugh but it soon turned into a mild coughing fit. "Shit boy I'm too old for this nonsense." "So, what's my excuse?" Walter smiled at the question, "You's a bitch!" Then they both held themselves as they laughed in pain.

Cicero, and a few of the dayshift sat by the chow table; turning to the tent when they heard the hysterical laughing. When Kaleb emerged followed by Walter Cicero stood up to meet them, "That's not the normal tone around here in the morning." "It's nice to have some joy in life Cicero, you should try it some time." Walter stated with a smile. "I'll have to keep that in mind, you men need to grab some food. We're heading down in a few." He motioned Walter and Kaleb to the circle of men.

"Is it just me or do the grits and dried meat sit in your gut like a stone?" Walter asked as he ducked into the tent leading to the tunnel. "Just you." Replied Kaleb. Walter grabbed two shovels while Kaleb grabbed the buckets and a pick. "I wonder why that is." Walter said aloud. Kaleb smiled, "Cause you're old." Walter's boisterous laugh could be heard through the tunnel. It wasn't all fun the rest of the day, it was work. Today Walter and Kaleb had been stationed at the end of the tunnel, closest to the opening. The men in the front would dig until the buckets were full, then pass the buckets to the front. When they had enough head room they would call for framing material to be sent in. Today it was their job to take the full buckets to the river and send empty ones forward, then to fetch the framing material.

This was a relatively easy task for the two for a change. The did the rotation like this to give the other groups a chance to recover from the back breaking labor of digging and the straining job of framing. Kaleb and Walter were closest to the opening, but it was still pretty far to the break of light. It was around lunch time when the rain started; at first Cicero wasn't concerned about it. It didn't take long for the torrential down pour to change his mind. Cicero was at the other end of the tunnel with Rhett when they realized they needed to get out.

"Walter, this tunnel slopes right?" Kaleb asked as he stared down into the shin deep water. He didn't reply, they both dropped the buckets that were in their hands and started down the tunnel towards the other men. The second group station in the middle of the tunnel were rushing towards them, the water was almost past their thighs. "Where is Cicero?" Walter asked as he grabbed one of the men as they rushed past them. "I don't know man, the tunnels flooding we need to get out! Come on!" The man jerked on Walter. Walter shoved him towards the entrance and looked up at Kaleb, "You have a choice kid." Kaleb shook his head, "No I don't"

They could hear Cicero splashing, but they couldn't see him, something must have happened to his lamp. They were up to their chests in flood water, their lamp was becoming dangerously close to the water. "Cicero!" Walter shouted. "GO!" Cicero shouted back. Reaching out with his open hand Walter reached for Cicero. Grabbing Walter's hand Cicero again shouted, "GO!" Kaleb started pulling Walter and Cicero back against the current, it was much harder to try and go out then it was going in. Panic rose in Kaleb's body when he felt the water splashing in his face.

"We have to move faster!" He called back to Walter. Kaleb didn't remember seeing Rhett leaving the tunnel and imagined the worst; the back of the tunnel would be completely full by now. The tunnel seemed even longer than it was now, and Kaleb feared it would be their tomb if they didn't move faster. It wasn't long after the lamp was snuffed out by the water, that Kaleb could see the entrance in the distance. "I see the end!" He called back.

Kaleb had been worried that the tunnel would flood completely before they reached the end. The thought of a collapse at this time wasn't one he had, but when the Cicero called up to them his world toppled on itself. How could the next couple seconds happen so fast but slow at the same time? The light from the entrance was close enough to see the sides of the tunnel begin to slide in on itself. It pushed the water higher in the tunnel. Walter screamed out as he pulled Cicero out in front of him as the mud sloughed in around him. Cicero made it to the entrance, but Kaleb realized he couldn't move. He could have moved if he let go of Walter's hand.

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