A Rabbit's Revenge

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Trixie listened intently as Kaleb told the plan to them, the men had all crowded into the living room, while Dr. Peterson was being kept in the bathroom upstairs with an armed guard. The men nodded when he was finished, a brief hush fell upon the room. Trixie awkwardly raised her hand, Rhys eyed here with curiosity. Kaleb turned to her, "If I may, can I make a few suggestions? I have some friends here, and I have grown to know the city with the help of Ester." His brow wrinkled in consideration then he nodded.

"First, we have Dr. Peterson call for my friend Yana to come for a pickup at the house, he can use an excuse to do another checkup regarding the virus. The bus can hold well over thirty people. Your boys with the bombs can get off about a block before the hospital. Then Dr. Peterson, Ester, Sky, Yana and myself go into the clinic." Kaleb cut her off there, "Why would they let Sky in?" Trixie smiled, "He's going to be a new doctor sent by WOLF to be checking on the status of the hospital. Nobody knows what he looks like. Dr. Mullens would recognize you immediately. With bus temporarily parked it will assure we have the transportation we need to move everyone. So, while your men set the charges we can over power the two nurses, Cyrus and Dr. Mullens. They are the only ones that should be on shift. We get the girls, take care of the doctors, and get back here. Once we're all safely back here we blow your tunnel and the two entrances to the city. They won't know what hit them and they won't be able to follow for some time." She looked around feeling satisfied when the men around them grinned.

Kaleb leaned in, "Why do you get to go?" She smiled, "Dr. Peterson is taking me back in with Ester because my condition is continuing to decline. And I need to grab somethings from the lab, once I have one of the doctor's badges, I can gain access." He nodded slowly. Rhys cleared his throat, "There is one problem with your plan Trixie, these have fixed charges. They blow in ten to fifteen minutes, so the men will have to wait until you clear the building to set them. The building will go off before anything else. Meaning we will just be getting back here as they blow. We will have to prep here as well while you're at the hospital. We may only have enough time to blow one entrance."

Trixie mulled it around and agreed. "Wait." Cicero spoke from the back of the crowd, "I can take a few and walk to the other side. I'll look for the other entrance. When the posted-up guards leave I'll set them." Kaleb and Sky exchange a look of uncertainty. "I'll do it." He urged. Walter nodded, "Then it's settled, should we tell the doctor what we need from him?" Kaleb looked at Trixie, "I suggest you tell him; you know what needs to be said and what doesn't" Once, Trixie had shut the bathroom door behind her Kaleb grabbed Ester. His eyes bore into hers as he held tightly onto her shoulders, "I know Trixie trusts you, but I don't. If you do anything to warn anyone or hurt her I'll kill you myself. Got it?" Ester's heart beat hard and lighting fast as she looked at him and nodded. He let go of her and grabbed Rhys and a few men, they disappeared into Dr. Peterson's room.

Dr. Peterson was sitting on the edge of the large tub, in the dark, when Trixie came in. She flipped on the light and Dr. Peterson blinked at the sudden brightness. "We need to talk." She stated flatly. "Yes?" He asked softly. "You can call the bussing department and request Yana come in for some more testing right?" Slowly he nodded. She continued, "Good, I need you to do that, as so as we're done here. Tell them she can drive one of the busses her and she can continue her route immediately after. The men are using your clothes. Also, Ester will be bringing me in at the same time. My shock and mental status declining more, and your opinion is that I need to be hospitalized. Another doctor will be coming with us. Dr. Sky, he is from WOLF and there to assess you and Dr. Mullens. You will give me both of your access cards and keep your mouth shut. You and Yana will start waking the girls and gathering them and Sadie into my old room. Do you think you can do this?" Dr. Peterson didn't hesitate with his answer, "Yes." As she went to leave, he spoke again, "Are people going to die?" She turned around again, "Only one if things go according to plan." She didn't feel bad about the lie, people were going to die. But WOLF had started this fight, she did only have one person in mind, and that's all she was ready to admit to.

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