The Rabbit and The WOLF

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Trixie continued with her mind games, playing the lost lonely victim with Dr. Mullens. Her act slowly progressed over the next couple months, 'opening up' to Dr. Mullens as he did with her. The hate she felt grew with every minute she spent with him. Yana had told her to bottle the rage, to use it as a motivation to continue her act, which is exactly what she was doing. Sometimes her own lies impressed her. By the end of June, she was showing, the twins where right on track. As her attitude improved her privileges did as well. Dr. Peterson had told Petra her babies had been adopted out; it took two weeks for her to stop crying; she replaced it with anger. The first attempt with inseminating Petra hadn't worked so they did the in vitro on the next go. She was still waiting for her results. Yana was due to give birth any day now.

Dr. Mullens came into Trixie's room while she was eating dinner. "How are you feeling?" She rolled her eyes, "I hate when you ask me that." He sat on the foot of her bed, "It's an honest question." Taking a small bite of the sandwich she swallowed it down before answering, "Physically or mentally Doc?" Shrugging he said, "Both." She sighed heavily, "Well physically, I feel like a cow. I'm constantly nauseated or throwing up. I have cramping in my legs and back. Mentally I feel caged, and alone." She took another small bite. Dr. Mullens looked down at her tray, it had been a reoccurrence for her to leave the pudding untouched.

"Why don't you try the pudding?" Pushing the little bowl towards her. Trixie pushed it back, "That stuff is nasty." "You know you're not alone here." She looked up and him and smiled, "I know. It just feels that way, like emptiness I can't fill up." Staring at him for a moment he didn't respond, "Are you going to try and tell me I'm not caged?" His head went slightly down like he couldn't look at her, "I told you I wasn't going to lie to you any more Trixie. The sugar might help with the nausea." Pushing the bowl back towards her again. He was beginning to piss her off with the damn pudding, "I don't like it, it will make me throw up."

With a sigh he began, "Tell me about the cramping." Trixie could feel the distinct roll in her stomach, the morning sickness came at all times. She held her hand up as she slid off the bed and rushed to the toilet to throw up. Sitting on her bed Dr. Mullens listen to the retching, closing his eyes until it stopped. Trixie rinsed her mouth out and sat back down. "It starts in my legs and goes up to my mid back, sometimes all the way around. It wakes me up sometimes." This did concern Dr. Mullens a little, he asked, "Is it happening now?" She shook her head. "They are probably Braxton Hicks, but I'll set you up for another sonogram."

"Try to eat." He urged. The sandwich was the only thing she really wanted to get down. "I feel huge." Dr. Mullens let out a small chuckle, "It's normal." "I wasn't this big the first time." He nodded, "You're carrying double the load." Chewing slowly, she nodded her head, she knew that, but she enjoyed playing dumb. "Has Yana had her baby yet?" Shaking his head, he replied, "No, but we have her in delivery now, it's only a matter of time now. Try the pudding." With all the practice in the world Trixie could never be anything but herself at times. She picked the bowl up and dropped it on the floor, "Oops, looks like it's ruined. Sorry."

Dr. Mullens leaned back crossing his arms across his chest, he wasn't impressed, "Was that necessary?" Looking him in the eyes she shrugged, "Guess the conversation about the pudding is over now, isn't it?" His jaw clenched with annoyance, "You know, sometimes you're so..." She interrupted him, "Trixie?" Narrowing his eyes at her he continued, "Petulant." She glared at him and set the sandwich down. "Now don't start that Trixie, eat your dinner." Motioning towards the toilet she protested, "You saw! I can't right now." Quietly Dr. Mullens collected her tray and set it on the table.

Standing by the table he was now rubbing his head, "Trixie, I am trying to be patient with you, but you're not making it easy. With anything." She furrowed her brow, "Like what?" He brought the hand that was rubbing his head down to his thigh with a slap, "Anything. Eating, your attitude, us, the nursing staff. You make all of it so difficult." Looking away she got up and when to her window, this was her escape. "And you barely open up, that's becoming a bit of an annoyance too!"

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