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"This isn't working out,"

A phrase that Echo had heard many times in her life

"What do you mean, "this isn't working out"?" Echo asked with a growl to her voice as she crossed her arms across her chest

"The pay isn't anything like it used to be. We got mouths to feed!" Jake, her boyfriend snapped at her

"This is the House, isn't it?"

Jake sighed, "Echo, this is an opportunity of a lifetime! They'd be paying us to win races! Give us better cars! It'd be better than being in the middle of nowhere,"

"And you do realize that they are using my crew to get at the one thing I won't let them have, right?"


"My car, Jake. They want my car,"

"Yeah right. The Camaro? They want a silly Camaro?" Jake burst out laughing

"The Camaro is legendary, everyone wants it. They want it to use as a show pony to show off how good they are, and I refuse to let them have it. I raced to have that, I'm not about to let some rich, pompous assholes have it! They want the tech inside it,"

"Just give them the damn car,"

"Hell no,"

"Echo, please—"

"Jake. We're done. You get with The House, we're done,"

"Done as in, we'd be exes?"


"I can't pass this one off. It's an opportunity that I have to take!"

"Then I guess that we are done,"

"Dammit Echo! There's still time to change your mind,"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then you lose your crew first, then your base, then your car,"

Echo sighed, putting her hands on the nearby work desk. "Then I guess I'll make it easy for you guys. I'll leave, the base is yours. I'll find a new crew. A better one,"


Echo had already left, grabbing her things and then put them into the trunk of the Camaro. She got into the drivers seat and took off, leaving a cloud of dirt behind her. She took off to the city.

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