A Plan Put Into Action

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Tyler drove Echo back to her house and put his Skyline into park. The couple looked at each other and Tyler kissed her. Echo smiled and kissed him back. They pulled away

"Be safe. And text me if you need me, okay?" Tyler said

"Always," Echo smiled

"Love you,"

"Love you too,"

Echo got out of the car and walked inside the house. She waited until Tyler was gone before leaving her house. She grabbed her normal Camaro and drove out to the casino where Jake and his crew frequented. She pulled up next to Jake's Audi and parked. Echo turned the engine off and stormed over

"I want in," Echo said

"Why?" Jake sneered

"Tyler and his crew have pissed me off. They stole the Camaro with the tech in it. I want them taken down," Echo lied

"You got yourself a crew again,"

Echo nodded and followed Jake into the casino. She walked past Marcus Weir, who seemed surprised to see her. She brushed it off and continued walking next to Jake

"I'm so glad you came to your senses. We'll get the Camaro back. We've got the entire crew together again!" Jake cheered

Echo remained tensed up as she Navarro. Lina looked directly at Echo and stormed over

"What are you doing in this casino?" Lina snarled

"Tyler and his crew stole my car and used me. I want them taken down," Echo snapped back

"Good. We can use someone like you,"

Lina then left. Echo spent the entire night trying to gather as much info about the Rush as possible. She got none until the end of the night when Jake walked her out to her Camaro

"This won't be a one time thing, got it? Every Wednesday, we meet at this casino. Be here. And by the way, the Rush got moved up to next week," Jake said, "See you Wednesday, Echo," Jake waved and walked away

Echo climbed into her car and sped off to her house, frantically calling Tyler, who picked up quickly

"Echo? You okay?" Tyler asked

"Meet me at my place. Now," Echo said, hanging up

When she arrived at her house, Tyler's car was already in the driveway waiting for her. She parked the Camaro and ran inside. Once inside, Tyler rushed over to her, clearly having let himself in with his key

"Hey, easy, easy. What happened?" Tyler asked, hugging her

"The Rush, they moved it. It's next week," Echo said, finally relaxing

"Okay, it's okay. We'll deal with it, don't worry,"

"But Ty, you don't even have a car to race with,"

"I'll use the Skyline. I can't use your cars, it'd raise too much suspicion,"


"You'll be there won't you?"

"Of course. Jake and his crew will be there, and I'm now apart of that,"

"Okay, it's okay. That's even better. You'll be closer to me,"

Echo nodded against his chest and leaned into him. She managed to kick off her heels and Tyler moved his hands to her thighs, and she jumped, letting him carry her to her bed, where he laid her down and then laid down beside her. They climbed under the covers and Tyler held Echo against his side protectively. Don't worry, Echo, I won't let them hurt you. Not any more. Tyler thought as he looked down at the sleeping Echo in his arms.

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