Tyler Morgan's Crew

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Three years pass, and Echo had become a runner, using a Ford Mustang GT. The white body with black and green stripes up the middle of the car made her visible to other drivers, but normal enough that the cops wouldn't even think to look at her as she made her way from job to job. Echo turned on the radio just as the Curator jumped on the radio

"Listen up racers, Tyler and his crew are making a come back. After the House drove them out of the city, Tyler and his crew are aiming to get back in and continue to the Outlaw's Rush. They are aiming to take down The House it appears. Keep it up Tyler!" the Curator said

"Tyler and his crew, huh? Well, it might be time to pay them a little visit," Echo muttered to herself, jumping onto the highway to go out to the dessert

She sped all the way out there until she saw a car off-roading towards an old airfield. Echo followed it and when she approached the gate to the airfield, she slowed her car down to a crawl. She saw three men and a woman all turn to look at her. Echo stopped the car just a little before she joined the circle of cars. She shut the car off and opened the door, placing her heeled boot on the sandy pavement.

Echo stood up and shut the door. She locked the car, hearing the beep, and then walked towards the group

"Who's this?" the darker skinned man asked

"Dunno," The woman responded

"Who are you?" the young man said

"Name's Echo. Heard that a Tyler was gunning to take down The House and get into the Outlaw's rush," Echo said

"That's us. I'm Tyler, that's Mac," Tyler said

"Sup," Mac said

"That's Rav, our mechanic,"

"Rav? As in... The Rav? The Rav that can build just about anything?" Echo asked

"That would be me," Rav said

"Wow, I've heard a lot about you. That was amazing what you did with all the cars when you were with the East Asian defence!"

"I have a fan, eh?"

"Damn right, I've tried doing what you've done, but my cars don't run as good," Echo hung her head

"I'll teach ya,"

Echo looked up and smiled at him

"And finally, this is Jess," Tyler said

"Hi," Jess said

"So, what makes you want to take down The House?" Echo asked

"They stole a car from Marcus Weir and we're trying to get it back," Tyler said

"Not to mention that they took our cars, kicked us out of the city, and have their cop buddies being watchdogs; ready to arrest us if spotted," Mac said

"Jesus, you guys really are screwed," Echo smirked, leaning against the hood of her mustang, "I can get you three into the city, but it's gonna cost you,"

"We don't have any money," Rav said

"Oh trust me, I know. All I ask is that I help you guys. I wanna take them down as much as you do,"

"What did The House do to you?" Tyler asked

"They paid my crew behind my back almost double of what I was paying them for the races they did. They wanted me to join them. The House wants my Camaro. Something about the tech is what they want,"

"A Camaro?"

"Latest tech. Higher tech than they have. They want to dismantle the car and then give it back to me in pieces. I won't let them have it,"

"Damn, you really have a reason for their downfall,"

"You think? I'm an outlaw doing runner jobs. All I seemed to be good for,"

"Where's the Camaro?"

"I ain't telling until I can trust you four. I don't want to have another crew know about it and try to give it to The House. The House is already crawling around looking for it, don't need them focusing on one area,"

"Deal, you get us in, we'll let you join us,"

"Tyler, you got yourself a deal. So, when do you guys need back in?"

"Tonight. We gotta beat Graveyard Shift,"

"Oh boy, you guys are going after the bigger leagues,"

"Damn right we are,"

Echo smirked, "I can get you in,"


"Meet me back here when it gets dark,"

"Sounds good,"

Echo stood upright again, and walked over to the door, unlocking it, and opened it, "See you later,"

Tyler held his hand up and everyone else followed suit, "Stay safe out there,"

"Trust me, I will,"

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