Trust Broken

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In the next week, the crew had defeated the leagues The House controlled, getting Tyler into the Outlaw's Rush. Echo and Tyler were out for a cruise and had stopped to get some food to celebrate Tyler's win when a black Aston Martin DB11 pulled up beside Echo's Charger. The engine of the Audi stopped, and the door opened, out came Jake who looked angry.

"You have pissed off The House a lot, Tyler Morgan," Jake said

"And they've pissed off my crew a lot, Jake Robinson," Tyler shot right back

"You've stolen people and cars from us, Morgan,"

"Don't get high and mighty on me, Robinson. I'm not the one to destroy a damn good driver,"

"Her? Echo? A good driver? Are you kidding? She could barely stay in a straight line when I left her. We needed the money, we needed the muscle, we needed the House. And Echo was too stupid to accept it. That's why I'm going to give you this proposal. You win, you beat the House and you can keep Echo... But if I win..."

"You get Echo,"

"And your crew disbanded,"

"Ty, you can't be seriously considering this," Echo said, taking a step towards Tyler to put a hand on his shoulder

"And what happens if I don't accept?" Tyler asked, putting a hand on top of Echo's

"The House comes at you full force. If you accept, you'll get a fighting chance," Jake said

Tyler looked at Echo, who had a worried face. Tyler sighed, "Babe, this might be our only chance at beating The House," Tyler said

"Ty, please," Echo begged

"I know it feels like I'm using you, but Echo, if we say no, then we will never win,"

Echo rested her head against Tyler's shoulder and sighed, "Do what you think is best,"

"I'll have to talk to my crew. I will let you know tonight, at the airfield,"

"Deal," Jake said, "See you soon, Morgan,"

"See you soon, Robinson,"

Tyler and Echo then watched as Jake drove off. Tyler turned to look at Echo, who wouldn't even look at him. Tyler hugged her, but she refused to hug him back

"Take me back to the airfield," Echo said

"Okay," Tyler said, pulling away

Echo quickly walked over to the passenger door and got inside, pressed against the door. Tyler climbed inside and speed off to the airfield. The minute that Tyler parked, Echo was up and out of the car, making a b-line for her Camaro

"Echo, wait," Tyler said

"I don't want to hear it," Echo said, opening the door and getting inside

Echo took off, quickly swerving to miss Tyler as he tried to get in front of her car. She drove off into the desert, leaving a sorrowful Tyler in the dust. Echo drove out to where the Silver Six ride and began to drive around the area. She got a call from Jess a couple hours later

"Hello?" Echo answered as she stopped the car

"This Echo?" Jess asked

"Yeah, it is. I thought you had my number,"

"I didn't, Tyler did. We... uhm came up with a decision,"

"If it's me being used as a chip, I'll come get my cars now,"

"Tyler was scared you'd say that,"

"Glad to see that all you guys wanted to do was use me,"

Echo hung up the phone and threw it on the seat beside her. She hit the steering wheel a few times in anger as she felt tears welling up. Once Echo calmed down, she drove to the nearby semi-truck place and got the biggest one they had. She then drove out to the airfield where she loaded up her cars and drove them off to the garage she had bought near her home. She began to unload the cars and then returned the truck. She drove home and went to sleep.

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