A Plan is Made

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Echo woke up to arms wrapped around her waist and gentle kisses being planted all over her head. She lifted her head to see that Tyler was the one holding her. Echo smiled and nuzzled in further. Tyler smiled and tightened his grip slightly

"Morning," Tyler said

"Morning," Echo replied

"So, you're not mad?"

"Not at all,"

"Good. Because I need my good luck charm to not curse me with bad luck in the Rush,"

Echo chuckled, "Good luck charm? I don't think so,"

"You are. Ever since you joined us, our jobs have gone so much better. When I drive, I drive better because of you. I know that if I don't drive better, I'll never come back to you. Echo, you are the reason that I'm doing the Rush. I thought all along it was to get revenge on the House for what they did to Jess, Mac and me. But after I met you and fell in love, I realized it was because of you. I need you to be by my side when I race soon,"

"If I'm not there, I'll be on the radio looking out for you,"

"Good, because I'm gonna need you, babe,"

"Then let's go get some practice in, hm?"

"Not yet,"

"Suit yourself. I'm not the one racing,"

Tyler chuckled, "I just want to stay here. Maybe I can convince Jess or Mac to do the Rush instead,"

"My door will always be open, Ty. Always,"

Tyler and Echo finally got up and Echo looked at Tyler

"So, how long until the Rush?" Echo asked

"A month," Tyler said

"I got an idea,"

"What is it?"

"You want a leg up in the race, don't you?"


"If I can join the House—"


"Ty, let me finish. If I can join the House, I can get you info on the race and you get be better prepared for it,"

Tyler sighed, "And how are you gonna do that?"

"I'll go find Jake. Tell him that you guys have pissed me off and that I want to take our crew down. He lets me, I get the info, and watch it all burn down in the passenger seat of your Skyline cuddled into your side as we watch the fireworks,"

"That does sound good,"

"I can do it. I know where they hang out,"

"We should talk to the crew about this first, but I think it's our best shot,"

"Let's get going then,"

Echo smiled at Tyler and threw him a comb. Tyler chuckled and combed out his hair before getting up. Echo changed into a black t-shirt, black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket, and a pair of black heeled boots. Tyler stood waiting by the front door while Echo tied her hair up in a bun. When she was done, she walked out to the front door and Tyler took her hand. He led her to his car and they both climbed in. Tyler turned the engine on and wrapped an arm around Echo as he backed out of her driveway. He drove them to the airfield and pulled into the garage. As Tyler got out, he was bombarded by questions

"Where were you?" Jess asked

"Why weren't you answering your phone?" Mac asked

"Did you find Echo?"

"Did the House have her?"

"Guys, slow down. I was at Echo's place, I crashed there for the night. She was there safe and sound," Tyler said, motioning for Echo to come closer

Echo cautiously stepped up beside Tyler and he held her against his side. Echo smiled up at him and pressed the side her head against his chest. Jess and Mac let out sighs of relief

"We were talking this morning and Echo came up with an idea," Tyler said

"What's the idea?" Jess asked

"I join the House. You guys need a leg up in the race, if I can join the House, I can gather info on the race and I can also get info on the House themselves," Echo said

"What!" Mac exclaimed

"It's not a bad idea," Tyler said

"Agreed," Jess said

"But if she joins, they'll want the Camaro!" Mac said

"They won't get the Camaro. I'll tell them that you guys pissed me off and you guys stole the Camaro from me. I leave the Camaro here with you guys, and then boom, we got ourselves an in," Echo said

"She'll talk to Jake, tell him that we pissed her off, and then he'll take her to the House where she'll become a member. Echo'll get us all the info we need," Tyler said

"Could work," Jess said

"I'll agree only if I get a ride in the Camaro," Mac said

"Sorry Mac. I don't give rides in the Camaro," Echo chuckled


"Good try. I'll let you drive the McLaren though,"


"Done, let's do it," Tyler said

Echo dug into her pocket and pulled out the key to the Camaro, "The key to the Camaro," Echo said

"You're giving it to me? Why not Jess or Rav or Mac?" Tyler asked softly

"Because, I know you'll make sure the House doesn't get to touch it, never mind look at it,"

Tyler took the key and pulled Echo into a hug. Echo hugged him back tightly. Tyler began to run his hand up and down Echo's arm as he held her protectively.

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