Guilt and Need for Revenge is Apparent

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Tyler raced away in the Camaro. He stared at Claire in his mirror and watched as they drove off to the city. Lina Navarro hijacked the race and was put up against Tyler in the last race. Tyler and Lina tied, and then he beat Lina. When Tyler saw that only Mac and Jess were at the end, he was confused

"Guys? Where's Echo?" Tyler asked

"She never made it," Claire said from behind Tyler

"What do you mean? She was with you," Tyler turned to face Claire

"Jake took her. You guys were so stupid. Not realizing it was a trap, and you let her fall right into it," Claire sneered, "Good luck finding her," Claire then walked away

"Ty, you didn't know," Jess said, putting a hand on Tyler's shoulder

Tyler just silently got back into the car. He drove the Camaro around Fortune Valley to gather his thoughts before going back to the airfield and parking it in the hanger he left it in when Echo left the Camaro with him. He climbed out and walked over to the parked Impala, clearly Echo's judging by the way it was cleaned. He walked into the garage and saw the rest of his crew look at him. Tyler just looked down and Jess walked over to him. She pulled him into a tight hug, and he hugged back, tearing up. Mac joined in and then Rav

"It wasn't your fault, Ty," Mac said, "Seriously,"

"It was. If I hadn't let her get out of that car, she'd be by our side celebrating, but instead, the House has her, doing god knows what to her as we speak," Tyler said, pulling away

"We'll get her back," Jess said

"I wouldn't even know where to start looking,"

"We'll start tomorrow. You go get some sleep, a warm meal, and have a warm shower,"

Tyler nodded and left silently. He got into the Impala and drove it back to Echo's home. He made himself a warm meal and had a shower. He then laid down on the couch, something about sleeping in Echo's bed without her there didn't sit right with Tyler. He fell asleep after a few hours.

Tyler got up the next morning and drove out to the airfield. The crew began to look for Echo everywhere, but the House had her hidden well. It wasn't until a month later, that they found her. Tyler was about to drive back to the airfield with the sad news of no sign of Echo when he got a call from an unknown number. Tyler picked up the phone

"Tyler," Tyler stated

"Need you to meet me at the gas station across from Fortune Valley prison. I need a pick up," a woman's voice stated

"Uh. I don't do that. Who is this?"

"Tyler, I don't have time. Just come to the gas station. I'll be at the phone booth,"

The line then went dead. Tyler began to drive to Fortune Valley prison and then to the nearby gas station. Twenty minutes later, Tyler came tearing into the parking lot, parking by the phone booth. Tyler climbed out and looked around for the mystery woman, who was doubled over coughing from the dust kicked up from his brakes

"I take it you haven't used those brakes in a while, that or it's super dusty out today," a woman said, finally stopped coughing

Tyler whipped around and looked at her, "Echo?"

"It's me,"

"Echo!" Tyler smiled and leapt over his car hood and hugged her tightly, "Where have you been?" Tyler asked quickly

"Well, we fell for a House trap. Jake grabbed me from Claire's car and took me somewhere. Then the cops found me, and I was put in prison for six months,"

"Why didn't you call us?"

"I didn't want you guys to get arrested,"

Tyler nodded against Echo's head, "At least you're safe,"

"No kidding,"

The couple stood in silence, holding onto each other. Echo looked just down the road and saw a parked cop car, "Ty, cop car, three o'clock,"

Tyler looked towards where Echo was looking and saw the cop car, "You up for a little chase?" Tyler asked

"Hell yeah,"

Tyler pulled away and gave Echo the keys. They raced to the Skyline and jumped inside. Echo tore out of the parking lot, causing the cop car to chase them. Echo raced away, quickly arriving at the airfield, losing the cop car. Echo stopped the car and Tyler got out, opening the garage doors. Mac, Jess, and Rav were inside. Echo slowly drove the Skyline into the garage and parked it. She climbed out and Tyler picked her up, swinging her around the garage

"Ty?" Jess asked as he set Echo down so the rest of the crew couldn't see her

"I picked something up that I think you'll all love," Tyler said

"Oh? And what's that?" Rav asked

"Let me guess! A derelict?" Mac asked

"A new tool set?"

"A cop's killswitch?" Jess asked

"Better," Tyler said, taking a step to the side, revealing Echo behind him

"Oh my God!" Jess exclaimed, running over and tackled Echo in a hug, which Rav and Mac joined in

"Guys! Can't breath!" Echo wheezed from the bottom of the dog pile

Everyone climbed off and Tyler helped Echo to her feet, "Now we can properly celebrate winning the Outlaw's Rush and the House falling. We have everyone back now,"

"Let's have a giant party with all of our street league allies!" Mac cheered

"Let's do it!" Jess said

"Hell yeah," Echo smiled

"It'll be one hell of a welcome home," Tyler said, wrapping his arm around Echo's waist

"And I'm good with that,"

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