To Plan a Heist

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When Echo's new crew left, she took the blanket off her beloved Camaro, and ran her fingers along the edges. She heard a male clear his throat and she whipped around

"Jake? What the hell are you doing here?" Echo asked, stepping towards the door to the Camaro

"For you and the Camaro," Jake said coldly

"For what?"

"You've messed with The House. You need to be punished,"

"I always knew you were coming, at some point or another,"

"Oh really?"

"That's why I prepared. Take the key," Echo said, tossing the key fob to Jake, "I'm sure that'll cover my debt,"

"Just barely,"

"Good, take it,"

Echo then walked out and stepped into the actual Camaro. By the time Jake had realized he'd been played, there was a cloud of smoke and a set of tire tracks in the dirt. She raced off to the new location, knowing that Jake wasn't too far behind. As she drove, she saw a red Nissian Fairlady 240ZG driving along. She looked at the driver and saw it was Tyler. She sped up, catching up with the Fairlady. Echo saw a ramp and launched the Camaro off the ramp and when she landed, she did so right next to Tyler, spooking him.

The two raced each other, trying to get back to the airfield faster and wrecking The House's cars as they went. They braked hard as they got into the garage. They stepped out and Echo looked over at Tyler

"Sorry about the scare," Echo said

"Should've known it was you," Tyler chuckled

"The House is pissed off now. Just a warning," Echo smirked, remembering what she did, "I gave them a Camaro,"


"They fell for it,"

"What did they do?"

"Oh, Jake chased me all the way here until we left him in the dust. Where's everyone else?"

"Probably out beating the other street leagues,"

"Probably. Where were you coming from?"

"Drag race just outside of the city,"

"You win?"

"Of course I did,"


"That the special Camaro the House wants?"

"Yeah. I was planning on showing you guys later, but you all seem determined to beat The House,"

"What's the tech on this thing that The House wants so badly?"

"If you hit a button, spikes come from under the car and it can blow tires. There's even a little lift on the front bumper that can flip a car onto it's roof,"

"Damn, that is high tech,"

"Thank you,"

"How fast can it go?"

"Pretty damn fast. It's my fastest car,"

"But you won't use it in fear of the House getting it,"


"And can I see just how fast the Camaro will go?"

"Let's wait until The House calms down a little. They'll be pulling over every single black Camaro they see looking for it,"

"Sounds good. In the mean time, why don't we get to know each other then?"

"Sure, let's play 20 questions,"

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