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Tyler couldn't believe it when Jess had told them what Echo had said. Not only had he just lost one of the best driver's in their crew, but she had also taken the cars they were using to beat the other street leagues. Tyler sat down on the hood of his Skyline

"You knew how she was, Tyler! You knew that she was burned by crews once before, and her crew ended up using her! How do you think she'll feel now that she's been used by crews twice! She'll never trust any crews again," Jess snapped at Tyler

"I know. And if that's not bad enough, I even thought about it," Tyler admitted

"Tyler!" Mac said

"No, we're not getting involved in this. You are going to wherever she is right now, and you are telling her exactly what we're doing. It'll mean more if you do it," Jess said

"I can't," Tyler stated


"She won't listen to me, and on top of that, I tell Jake our decision in five minutes,"

"I'll tell him. You go to Echo and you get her back. We need her. You need her,"

Tyler nodded and ran into his car. He drove off towards Echo's home, pushing the limits of his Skyline, but he made it. He used the parking brake to not crash into her garage when he arrived. He quickly got out of the car and sprinted up the walkway. He knocked and a few minutes later, Echo answered the door

"What do you want?" Echo said coldly

"Echo, I wanted to tell you about what we decided," Tyler said

"What's that?"

"We're telling Jake that we're doing the bet—"

"Goodbye Tyler,"

"Wait! I didn't finish," Tyler jammed his foot in the door

"You don't have to,"

"We're doing the bet but if the House wins, we're not giving you up,"


"We're lying to Jake so that the House will go easier on us. That's when we'll win the Rush,"

Echo looked up at Tyler and saw his face, "You were never going to use me?"


Echo opened her door and hugged Tyler tightly. Tyler quickly hugged her back and kissed her head. Echo yanked him inside the house and shut the door. Tyler let go of Echo with one hand and locked his car with his free hand. He returned his hand to her waist and held her tightly. Tyler felt her let out a shuddering breath and he pulled back to see that she was crying. Tyler rested his head on hers and shut his eyes

"I thought we had lost you for good, sweetheart," Tyler said

"I don't care," Echo smiled against him

"Mind if I stay then?"

"Not at all,"

Tyler kicked his shoes off and slowly moved them to Echo's bedroom. Tyler laid them both down and Echo laid on top of him. Tyler then looked at what Echo was wearing. It was one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts. He smiled and kissed Echo's head.

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