A New Crew

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Echo sat down and turned the Mustang on, listening to the engine roaring to life. She backed the car away before swinging it around and driving away, leaving a cloud of sand behind her and two tire tracks. She raced to the old warehouse that she was using as a garage for her cars, keeping them all safe from The House. She slowly backed the Mustang into it's designated spot and got out. She shut the door and walked over to her beloved Camaro. She popped open the hood and saw that all the tech was still in tact.

Echo let out a sigh of relief and went into the house portion of her base. She sat down on the couch and lazily laid across it. She turned on the tv and scrolled through the channels until she found a documentary. She soon dozed off. She woke up to her phone going off and she looked out the window. She saw it was night time and got up from the couch. She threw on a leather jacket and went out to the garage and to her 1967 Chevrolet Impala. She drove out to the airfield and found Tyler waiting for her.

Echo stopped the car and got out, only to immediately get a lecture from Tyler

"Where have you been? I have been waiting for two hours! You said to meet you here for night. And what the hell are you driving?" Tyler spat

"I was taking a nap, alright? And by the way, it's '67 Impala, so bite me, Tyler," Echo shot right back at him, "You want into the city? You listen to me. Got it?"

"Got it,"

"Good, now, follow me,"

Echo and Tyler got into their cars and made their way to the city. Echo look a sharp turn and Tyler was barely able to follow her. She shot up a ramp and got into the gas, launching the car up and over the wall. Behind her, Tyler followed suit. When they landed, they were in a construction site. Tyler pulled up beside her Impala

"Meet me back here when you're done, I have some errands to run. If you're here before me, here's my number," Echo said, handing Tyler a slip of paper, "Or if the cops find you,"

"B—" Tyler said, but Echo took off before he could finish.

Echo took off to scope out where her old crew was, which was near the big casino. She shut the lights off and hid across the street. She saw that Jake had a new girlfriend, which she rolled her eyes at

"Go figure. He was never loyal to you," Echo muttered to herself

An hour passed, and she headed back to the construction site just as Tyler was getting there. Tyler stopped beside her

"The House is on their way, they spotted me," Tyler said

"Follow me, quickly," Echo said, taking off

Tyler quickly took off after her. She weaved through the alley ways until they hit the main highway out of the city. They sped out of the city just as a bunch of gray Dodge Challengers surrounded them on the road. Her phone then rang, and she picked up

"This what The House has their goons driving?" Echo asked

"Yeah, think we can outrun them?" Tyler asked

"Probably not. You get out of here, I'll deal with The House,"

"You sure?"

"Tyler, I was born to do this. Go!"

Echo then slowed down so her nose was at the back bumper of the Challenger to her left. She then quickly jerked the wheel towards the Challenger, sending it spinning into another, wrecking both cars. She sped up and rammed into the back of the third Challenger, pushing it until it flipped over the hood of her car.

She then got in front of the last Challenger that was attacking Tyler. She rammed the back of it until it turned sideways. She saw it was Jake driving and glared at his shocked expression. Echo got into the gas and managed to push the car into the guardrail, wrecking that too. She caught up to Tyler and they raced back to the airfield. When they got into the garage, Tyler was panting

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