Double or Nothing

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Another two weeks passed, and Jess found something about The House that everyone needed to know. Tyler, Mac, and Echo all met up at the airfield and entered the garage where Rav and Jess were already waiting for them with a map on a small table. Tyler stood behind Echo and wrapped his arms around her waist as Rav spoke

"Jess has identified two of the Collector's cars likely to have killswitch tech. we'll have to decide which one we want to boost," Rav said, "They're both gold-pated monstrosities. First one is a Mercedes G63. He's moved it to a House casino downtown for Fortune Valley Day... Getting it down is not gonna be easy,"

"And the second target?" Tyler said

"The Collector's flying the second one out to Japan tomorrow. It'll be on display near the Ryft VIP Terminal,"

"He's gonna have that place sewn up," Jess said

"So. Which one do we grab?" Tyler said

"We want to piss off the Collector, right? I say we grab them both!" Echo said

"I like the way you think, sis," Mac said, fist bumping Echo

"Alright, Mac and Echo... Let's give it a shot," Tyler said

"Alright. Mac, you ride with Jess. Ty, you're with me. I'll drive you out to the car and you grab it. Jess, Mac, decide who will grab the car," Echo said

Everyone nodded and went into their separate cars. Jess and Mac went into Jess's BMW while Tyler and Echo got into Mac's car. The pair drove out to the Ryft VIP Terminal.

"The fireworks for Fortune Valley Day will start any minute. We can't miss them. It'll be all the distraction we need," Jess said over the radio

"Remind me... Why is Echo driving the Mac Attack?" Mac asked

"You wanted to drive the Mercedes, right? It's either that or the truck," Echo said

"Yeah, yeah. I know. It's just... Echo, if you hurt my baby, I swear..."

"Your baby? I've seen you T-bone wrecks for fun with that thing!" Tyler said

"That's different! Rav? We're good to go with the car security, right?"

"Yes. I reversed-engineered the Koenigsegg ECU code into an unlock broadcaster that'll work for any car with a compatible modification and uploaded it to your mobile devices," Rav said

"English, please?" Tyler said

Rav sighed, "There's an app for that,"

"Uh, Jess... The fireworks started," Mac said

"Already? Mac! You said there'd be plenty of time! This is the last time I let you plan a job..." Jess said

"Couldn't account for traffic, Jess! Now step on it!"

"Jess? You're on!" Echo said

"Grab onto something," Jess said

"Whooo! Yeah!" Mac cheered over the radio

"And they've landed," Echo smiled as she raced to the terminal

"Your magic worked, Rav! I'm getting this baby out of here! Got the car! And she is wild! Rav, you better be ready!"

"Ready and waiting. Better hurry. That thing's gonna attract a lot of attention," Rav said

"Man, I am digging the bling! I'll take this over the Regera any day. I'm gonna scrape off the gold and plate the Mac Attack with it,"

"Not in my garage you're not. I run a classy joint,"

"Mac? We're with Jess. We're headed to the Ryft VIP Terminal now," Tyler said

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