A Truth Revealed and Tempers Flare

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The next day, Tyler and Echo got out of bed and got ready. Tyler threw on his usual outfit while Echo put on a black crop t-shirt, black jeans, black biker boots, and then she tied a blue plaid shirt around her hips. Tyler stood by the door as he waited for Echo to make sure everything was locked up. Tyler offered his hand and Echo took it. They left the house and Tyler drove Echo's Camaro out to the airfield. When they arrived at the airfield, all of the street leagues were already there.

They got out of the car and Tyler took Echo's hand. They walked over to Jess, Mac, and Rav to greet them. The couple then went around greeting all of the street leagues. They were talking to Faith Jones, the leader of Free Ember Militia when a low rumble of an engine caught everyone's attention. Tyler and Echo turned around and saw a familiar McLaren P1 rolling to a stop. Tyler's grip on Echo's waist tightened up. Lina Navarro stepped out of the McLaren and scanned the crowd, her eyes falling on Echo and Tyler.

Lina walked straight over to them, not stopping to address the whispers of the crowd around her. Echo stepped behind Tyler and tensed up. Tyler looked over his shoulder at Echo before quickly standing straighter and tensing his shoulders.

"Morgan," Lina spat

"Navarro," Tyler shot at her

"So, you beat the House,"

"My crew and I did,"

"The play was smart, but you also opened up a whole can of worms. Did Echo tell you about her past?"

"She did,"

"All of it?"

"All of it,"

"Even what happened in the three years that she wasn't in a crew?"

"No, but I don't care,"

"Ah," Lina said, and began to circle Echo and Tyler, "So she didn't tell you about how she used to let men use her? How she stole cars from said men? Half the cars that she has are stolen, including her precious Camaro?"

"What?" Echo whispered

All the other street league members were now watching the conversation unfold

"That Camaro was stolen from the House. Stolen from the House and given to Echo as a reward for a race. She's nothing more than a liar and a thief. She doesn't confront her problems; she runs from them. You'd be better off without her," Lina said loudly

Echo's eyes began to water, and Tyler took a step away from Echo. Echo hugged herself and looked around her, feeling the tension from everyone looking at her. Echo looked at Lina before she turned away and walked towards the garage, feeling a pit in her stomach. She opened the garage door and went inside. She entered the back lot where Rav kept the cars that his clients never paid for. Echo walked to where there were two trucks with larger tires side by side and sat down in the middle of the two of them.

Echo brought her knees up to her chest and tried to calm down, feeling her heart rate pick up. She felt herself begin to cry from her nerves and the fear of her crew leaving her. She could barely hear anything other than her breathing, everything else was like it was underwater. She felt arms wrap around her and pull her against something warm. She looked and saw it was Tyler

"Hey, easy. Breath, baby, breath," Tyler said, "Breath like me, okay?" Tyler took deep breaths, which Echo shakily tried to do to, but felt her chest tighten up, "Keep going, you're doing great,"

Echo finally managed to get her breath under control and calmed down. Tyler kept his arms wrapped around her and rocked softly until Echo pulled her head away from his shoulder

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