chapter 4

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I woke up to Friends on my screen waiting for the next episode to be played. I looked at the clock and it was currently 2:15 pm. School had another 15 minutes until everyone got out. I am so happy my mom wants me to be safe. Otherwise school would be hell for me.

I clicked on the next episode of Friends and I started to watch it. I pick up my phone to see 50 unread messages, they are all from Ed.

From Ed:

Where are you?
Are you okay?
What happned?
Vi, pick up!
I am so worried!
Vi please answer!

To Ed:

Ed I'm fine.

From Ed:

I'm coming over after school.

It's really nice to know that someone cares.

"Violet! Where are you?" yells Ed.

"I'm in my room!"

I hear him run up the stairs and he opens my door and quickly comes over to me.

"Are you okay? What happened! I was so worried."

"I'm fine. Josh attacked me."

"I fucking hate him. So much. I just want to know that you're okay. I love you." he pecks me on my head and whispers 'I love you'.

"Do you want to watch Friends?" I take the blanket off of my bed on the otherside letting him know that I want him to cuddle. He climbs in the bed and puts his arm over my stomach. He lays his head on my chest and beings to watch the show.

He is so beautiful... I just want to kiss him. He cares about me so much. He loves me, just not in the way I want him too. Why does he have to be gay? UGH. Darn his beautifulness.

"Vi?" my mom says.

She wakes me and Ed up with a soft shake. She didn't suspect anything because she knows about him.

Ed sits up and starts stretching out his arms. You know the way you look when you stretch your arms and you make that stupid face? Yeah something like that. He smiles at my mom and gets up to give her a hug.

"I missed you, Ed" my moms says.

"I missed you too, Priscilla"

They let go of the hug and my mom walks downstairs.

"Wow, thanks for the cuddle sesh Vi!" he says cheerfully.

"You're welcome! By the way, I'm not going to school for a week."

"Why Vi?"

"Well my mom thinks it would be best. Josh basically molested me. She wants to make sure I'm safe. How did you know I even left?"

"Oh my gosh! I hope you're okay! And Michael told me."

Michael? What? Why would Michael tell him? Whatever, fuck him.

"Why did he te-"

"Tell me? He thought it would be best for me to know. He told me to tell you that he doesn't care."

"Good. I don't want him to care. You know I haven't even known him for three days and he's already hate him so fucking much."

"Babe, it's okay." he came over and sat next to me.

"I gotta go home. But text me?"

"Yeah. And will you come over Friday and stay the night? Like all weekend? I miss our sleep overs."

"I'll ask my mom, I'm sure she won't mind though. Bye Vi, be safe. I love you!" he starts to walk out the door.

"Love you more!"

"Not possible!" he yells at the bottom of the stairs.

I get up from my bed and walk down stairs. I see my mom watching Girl Happy. I love this movie so much. I grabbed a blanket and sat down next her, putting my head on her shoulder.

"Hey sweetie. How was your day?"

"It was good. Did you get any assignmens from school?"

"No, you didn't have any assignments today. But I'm sure you will tomorrow. Did you eat?"

"Erm, yeah..." obviously lying but she doesn't know that.

"Yay! I am so proud of you. You're already on the way to recovery." she kisses my forehead and moves her head back to the movie.

"Is it okay if Ed comes over Friday and stays the night all weekend?"

"Yeah, I don't mind. But it makes me uncomfortable that you two sleep in the same bed though..."

"For one, he's gay. Like trust me, he's definetly gay. Second of all, he would be to respectful to pull a move like that on anyone. He's a gentlemen. Besides I have queen bed, he can sleep on the otherside. Don't worry."

"Fine... But just will you promise me one thing?"

"Yeah, anything."

"Eat some snacks over the weekend. I have to go away for the weekend."

"For what?"

"For... My um work..." I know she's lying. She has been sneaking out with this guy. But she knows that I don't know.

"Yeah... Right. Well that's okay. I'll try. Just keep updated with Ed."

And sooner than later, I passed out.

boring chapter im sorry

i just got in trouble bc i wasnt "hungry" oops

okay fuck my dad brought me food shit i cant eat it



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