1, Demoted

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Malik's pov

Rage was all I felt. Complete rage at these pale leeches, and at Vanilla. Bitchy, ungrateful, spoiled brat Vanilla. He could've had everything he wanted with me. I would've kept him bred and dazed in lust for the rest of his days, he would've been in bliss and felt nothing else. But he had to go and fight me, resist me, and blind himself to the opportunity I had laid out on a silver fucking platter. 

He had to go pick some other Alpha, an Alpha who was nothing, who had nothing. That wolf had true Alpha blood in his veins, I could smell it, and maybe that was why Vanilla chose him instead. Or maybe, being the vampire pet slut that he was, he chose that Alpha because of his fucking gigantic dick.

And of course his sugar daddies had to go and capture me, make me their prisoner, torture me so that I was forced to tell them my plan for Vanilla, for our future together. What right did they have? They were doing the same thing to him. All I was doing different was offering him a place of power at my side. He was meant for me. I was going to make his life better, more meaningful.

And then one night Vanilla vanished, and his Masters asked around their leech circle, and when someone decided to help them, Vanilla's vampires decided to package me up and send me off to the vampires who helped them locate Vanilla, as a thank-you gift. 

Which was where I was right now. Naked, tied up from head to toe, gagged, blindfolded, and plugged in the ass, with a cock ring strangling my dick. Lying in darkness inside a wooden box, being transported to who knows where. It seemed like I was traveling by boat, based on the swaying I could feel around me, and the faint sound of moving water. 

The trip took forever. I exhausted myself for the first half of it by struggling against the ropes, trying my hardest to chew through the gag and scratch the ropes with my claws. But somehow, no matter how much I chewed and how much I scratched, the ropes and the cloth gag never wore away. Maybe those freaks had used their magic on it, magic that they seemed to love to use. 

The second half of the trip I spent either sleeping or being bored out of my mind, trying not to lose my sanity in the pitch blackness. I focused on sounds around me, and tried not to focus on what awaited me at the end of the trip.

When I started to get really hungry and really thirsty, to the point my stomach was starting to hurt, the box I was in was lifted, and I could feel myself being transported off the swaying boat and onto more rough terrain. I was happy to be on land. Happy that I might be released from here soon. I'd kill whoever undid my bonds and high tail it back to my pack.

I heard voices murmuring outside the box. "Careful with this one; live cargo." I growled at the phrase, and someone outside the box chuckled. The box was jostled as I was set onto something. For a moment there was only quiet, and then I felt myself moving again. The box rumbled, jolting every once in a while. I figured I must be on a road now, and by the sound of the engine, I was probably in a cargo truck. 

After even more time, the rumbling ceased. Quiet, then voices. "Go ahead and bring the food to the kitchens. Bring this one here up to the Sires' quarters. He's a special delivery."

Rage slowly filled me again at the man's words. I roared behind the gag and tried to kick at the wood above me, but I was ignored. The box was maneuvered off of whatever I was on, and I could feel myself being carried. After some time of that, I was set down again with a thud. 

"Here you are, sirs. From the River Mountain clan. They send their utmost gratitude of your assistance, and hope you enjoy this gift of good will," a man said above me. 

"Thank you," a different voice said, also a man, but quieter. Footsteps sounded afterward, leading away from the box, fading into silence as the person departed. 

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