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1.Not So Secret Stalker

Tendo pov:
I sighed dreamily sitting in my seat next to Wakatoshi-san in the lunch area, " that's the sixth time you've sighed, why?" his calm demeanor spoke still eating, "Nothing just saw the most cutest girl in the whole world" I squished my cheeks with my hands feeling the hot blush on them, "does she know you?"

I shake my head slumping my shoulders, "no, but I follow her around....from a distance of course. Oh look there she is!" I grabbed Wakatoshi's arm watching her pick up her lunch thanking the lunch lady. The way how her (bright/dark) hair reflects her beauty. Her body not being like most of the girls here.

"She looks familiar" 'EHH?!?!' I watched her leave the room saying hi to some people as she passes by, "here" he shows me an old picture of him holding a volleyball and a girl next to him wearing a summer dress with baby doll shoes, "what is this? Who's the girl?" I grab the picture flipping it around.

2006 January, 25

(Y/n) decided to take a picture to preserve the memory of us together. So here it is.

"We were neighbors until I moved, she probably doesn't remember me" I sat there calculating the situation, "wait! you knew her as a kid?! You can introduce me to her!!" he shrugs getting up I followed behind him whining, " please!!" I hear him sigh turning to face me his stone face never changing he opened his mouth but closed quickly, " I'll see what I can do"

{Time skip to afterschool brought to you by HOOT HOOT!!!}

(Y/n) pov:
"so like yeah, green isn't her color. Maybe a deep purple but that's it" I listen to my friend as she critics the teachers clothing choice. I chuckle leaning on my arm asking why she does this every time the teacher wears something new, "because she's like a beacon I can't ignore the choices she makes" she drapes her arm on her face dramatically sighing, "you'll get there child, you'll get there" she cooed patting my shoulder.

"well I'm heading home care to join me this time?" she shakes her head packing her stuff, " I have to get to fashion club I'm two minutes late!"," okay bye!!" I left the room walking down the steps bumping into a broad chest, "sorry, didn't mean to disturb you-...Toshi-kun"

"So you remember.....Hello (Y/n)-chan, you're not busy are you?"
"How can I forget you? You stand above the rest...literally" he takes a deep breath looking down at me, "I was wondering if you wanted to come by to the Gym and watch my team practice. Along with meeting a new person", " sure I don't see why not. So how's life treating you?"

It's been so long since I've had a good talk with this giant next to me. I smiled listening to how his day went which was rather long if you ask me, " we're here" he pulls the net on the door to the side letting me go in first. I thanked him dropping my bag next to the door.

A couple people walked up to us asking about my presence. Wakatoshi explained to them about me being his longtime friend and invited me to watch them play, " I hope I'm not causing a disturbance" I noticed the tall red-haired male starring at me with his familiar red wide eyes.

Yes, I have noticed his long stares during school. It's kinda hard not to notice it, most of my friends would tease me about it saying I have a stalker, but he's rather cute for a tall lanky guy. " (Y/n)-chan you can sit with coach" I nod walking over to a very old man that resembles a falcon.

During the practice, the redhead got injured hissing at the pain, he held his hand close to his chest. The coach pulls out tape handing it to me, "Tendou! Get over here!" the redhead ran up to us grinning while holding his hand, "let me see" he shows him his hand a few scratches but that was it, " can you take him to the back, clean up his hand, and bandage it up?" I nod grabbing his uninjured hand leading him to the back with the water fountains.

Tendo pov:
'OH MY GOD!!! HER HAND IS SO SOFT AND SMALL!!!' she stops in front of the fountain rinsing off any small beads of blood that prickled my fingers, " you have cute hands" I mentally punched myself for blurting out such a stupid but true comment.

She giggles drying off my hand, "thank you have rough hands, guess that's what you'd expect for a volleyball player, huh?" I smiled watching her bandage my hand having a close concentration on it. I couldn't help but stare more mesmerized by how beautiful she is up close.

"Im (Y/n) (L/n), you?" "Im Tendo Satori, so here's a thought" 'here goes nothing' she nods clapping her hands together saying done, " um...would you like to go out sometime maybe this Saturday at the park 4:30?" I waited for the rejection my heart beating faster than I noticed it would have, " sure the park sounds fun and 4:30 sounds perfect!" she gave me a hug smiling up at me 'YEEESSSS!!!!!!'

" I'm gonna be honest I thought you were going to reject me" we walked back slowly talking back and forth. Goes to show that she noticed my starring which worried me but was reassured that she thought it was cute, " you're cute" "Nah you're cute now go practice before your coach thinks you're slacking off"

"But I'm crippled!" I showed her my injured hand getting a small laugh, "just barely crippled mister you'll be fine. Go" "okay, but first" I bend down giving her a kiss on the cheek running inside screaming, "love you!!"

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