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12.You Look Like...

(Y/n) pov:
I bounce my ball to Diana as she bounces it back. The school playground was filled with kids scream with joy.

We got a new student today he seem funny looking. He had wide eyes and small pupils. His hair was purely red and he was very tall.

"hey look there's the weird kid" Diana pointed at the new student. He sat alone on the swing sway slowly, "he seems lonely"

"I heard he has a creepy ability"


"Yeah!, something about him predicting the future"

"That sounds cool!"

She scoffs holding the ball in her hands I tilt my head in confusion looking at her. I mean it is! Who doesn't want to know what will happen next?!

"My mommy calls people like that monsters. Everyone here can agree with me on that" I face the boy again only finding a few other kids bullying him.

"He doesn't look like a monster"

"Oh yeah? I heard he's hurt people too!"

"But those are things you've heard. Have you seen him do that?"

"No, but the girl in our class told me so! And has the marks to prove it!"

"Maybe it was her dog. You'll never know;maybe she just said those things to get attention"

Diana gets mad throwing the ball to the boy. The ball hits him on the stomach, he holds it looking up at us.

"Why are you defending him so much? Maybe you're a monster too!" she shouts getting the attention from everyone else, "...sure my mommy calls me a cuddle monster anyways"

I walk to the boy apologizing about the ball hitting him, "Its fine. Can I play with you?" I nod turning back to Diana but she was marching away, "Diana! Where are you going?"

She turns crossing her arms, " I don't hangout with monsters!!"

She makes her leave joining other students I sense the boy behind me saying sorry, "why are you saying sorry?"

"Becuse of me you lost your friend. I really am a monster" tears pour out of his face making me worry. I drop my ball giving him a bug hug. He was tall for a 5 year old.

Maybe that's why the other kids call him a monster, "You don't look like a monster"

He sniffs looking down, "I don't?" I shake my head hearing the bell for the student to return to class. I hold his hand walking back to class, "No, you look like my new best friend"

~Years later~

"So I was thinking we've known each other for year's now..do you maybe want to go out with me on a date?" Satori fiddles with his nails looking me in the eye.

"Sure! I don't see why not. You do look like you could be my boyfriend"

"Dang it I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend first!" he hugs me tightly pecking my forehead.

-Even more years later-

"(Y/n) I have to tell you something important. Please don't cry" Satori had a serious nervous face as he spoke to me. He sat me on the bed kneeling in front of me.

"whats wrong Satori?"

"Ive been thinking about this for a while and you don't look like you can be my girlfriend anymore"

I felt tears at the brims of my eyes I tried standing up but was pushed down. He takes a deep breath smiling up at me. Oh how I wanted to punch it right now.

"Before you punch me let me finish. You don't look like you can be my girlfriend anymore. You look more like you can be my wife, so (Y/n) (L/n) will you marry me?"

I launch myself at him screaming yes then punching him on the chest, "you scared me you cherry head!!" he chuckles pulling out a ring box showing me the ring.

It was absolutely gorgeous it had a (color) gem with a silver band wrapped around it with diamonds surrounding it. He slips it on kissing me with every ounce of happiness he had.

"Wakatoshi helped me pick it out for you, do you like it?"

"Love it"

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