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7.Ushijimas little cousin (part two)

Ushijima pov:
I woke up early making breakfast to go while getting (Y/n) ready. She stood next to me swaying sleepily smiling mumbling a few words. I tap her head handing her a glass of milk she drank it half way slowly falling backwards.

I grab her in time taking the glass away placing it on the counter I wrote a note to dad saying when I'll be back. "Come on (Y/n)" her cracked an eye open whining about the time," I have practice and I can't leave you here alone" I dragged her behind me trying to get to the gym in time," Good morning Wakatoshi! Lovely morning isn't it?"

Tendou jumps out of the shadows scarring (Y/n). She giggles finally more awake jumping into Tendou's arms," hey there munchkin! Did you miss me?" He spins around holding her in his arms protectively getting giggles in return. They talked the whole way to the gym asking questions back and forth.

It was rather interesting to listen to. The gym was open a few of the teammates were there but some second years were missing. We had a meeting earlier in the week about a school coming over to have a practice match.

The school where a certain brunette should have came to ours instead. But that doesn't matter at the moment. I helped set up the net as (Y/n) was who knows where with Tendou," heard you brought your cousin again Ushijima" coach tells me tossing a ball at me," I didn't really have a choice"

He nods telling me about (Y/n) having an upper hand being an ambidextrous. Telling me about how she should practice now before it's too late," if she wants to learn how to play then I'll teach her. Forcing her to play isn't very fun for a kid"

He shrugs telling me to keep it in mind. 'Where is she?'

(Y/n) pov:
"Tendou? Where are we going?" He giggles carrying me behind him," coach told me to direct the visitors to the gym and thought you'd might want to meet them" we reached the gate finding a bus pouring out students. Tendou puts me down greeting the coach.

A boy with brown hair pointed at me walking up to me squatting down to my level," hi there! Are you lost?" I stay quiet taking a few steps back."I thought you said kids love you, tashikawa" usually I'm okay with tall people but for some reason I wanted to cry just looking at them.

"And this is (Y/n)-chan! She's adorable isn't she? Plus she's an ambidextrous which makes her twice as awesome!" Tendou pats my head telling me to say hi.

"Hi" the boys introduced themselves finally know what the males name was Oikawa Tooru," you can call me Senpai, (Y/n)-chan!" I shake my head 'no' hiding behind Tendous legs. His friend bursted into laughter clutching his stomach.

We walked back to the gym with the team behind and I could feel Oikawa's stares behind me. I clench Tendous hands walking faster. Tendou opened the net I ran inside letting tears roll down my face. I found Ushi spiking a ball huffing I jumped on his leg not letting go," (Y/n)? What happened?" He picked me up patting my back.

I felt like a baby but I couldn't help it. I pointed at Oikawa telling Ushi that he made me feel uncomfortable. He walks straight to him confronting him about it," why are you harassing a child?" Oikawa's mouth dropped saying he wasn't,"leave her alone"

Ushi calls Tendou and in seconds he was with us," go make her happy" He hands me to Tendou telling him he'll do it in a snap. He glares at Oikawa before turning around and taking me to a corner of the gym with a few volleyballs.

"How about we play a game (Y/n)-chan?" He tosses me a ball telling me funny stories about Ushi during there practice days," and he doesn't see the ball, right? And it was hurtled straight to the back of his head. Never again was I allowed to serve behind Wakatoshi" I laughed loudly wiping away the tears that would come out.

"Would you do it again though?" Tendou thinks for a bit say probably," He had no reaction to it. It was kinda creepy if you ask me, if it was me I would have been fuming with anger" he tosses the ball coming up to me. He pinches my cheeks calling me adorable," I'm not adorable! I'm mighty!" I punch his stomach various time but got no pain reaction.

The coaches called to group up meaning Tendou had to go for a bit. He leaves going to his teammates commenting about...well I don't know really. I faced the wall bouncing the ball with my left hand switching to my right. I slam the ball watching it go over my head I chase after the ball bumping into someone's legs.

"Ah (Y/n)-chan come to declare your love for me?"

"Trashikawa you idiot she's a kid what love will she have for you?"

"So mean Iwa-chan! But why won't you love me?" My feet no longer touched the ground as he lifted me up looking for an answer in my eyes," USHI!! TENDOU!!!" Oikawa quickly puts me down hiding behind his friend Tendou runs up to me asking if I was fine. I nod feeling safe in his arms," why won't you leave my baby cousin alone?"

Oikawa's eyes widen pointing at me then to Ushi," no wonder she doesn't love me and is ambidextrous!"

"Yes that's why you trash apologize to the kid" his friend dragged him to me and Tendou I sat in Tendous arms getting an apology for Oikawa," sorry, but you will love me one day!!" Tendou laughs hugging me tightly," nah she already loves me right (Y/n)-chan?" I hug Tendou back saying yes.

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