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4.Ushijimas little cousin (part one)

Ushijima pov:
I stood by the gate saying goodbye to my aunt. It was after school and she called me if I could babysit her kid. Saying yes than no because I'd rather live and see the next day," Ushi! Mommy told me you play volleyball! Is that true?"

(Y/n) (L/n) my 8 year old cousin she maybe me young but is surprisingly smart for her age. And because of that she managed to skip a grade. I nod holding her hand leading her to the gym," mommy also told me you're a lefty"

"Yes" I glanced down at her her eyes sparkled running over to my left side grabbing my hand," my best friend is a lefty too! I'm an ambidextrous" that caught my attention an ambidextrous you don't really meet those people everyday," so you can use both hands, nice"

We reached the gym already being swarmed with questions," I'm babysitting" coach walks up to us shooing away everyone he eyes (Y/n) asking why she's here I told him the same thing I told everyone else.

"Okay then have her sit on the bench" I nod taking her to the bench where coach will be sitting in soon. I felt her pull my sleeve I kneeled down asking her," what?" She points at the coach whispering in my ear," he looks like a old retired falcon" the corners of my lips twitched wanting to laugh but I managed a clam face scolding her," you do that outside"

Practice went well, well most of it Tendou came in late and wouldn't stop saying comments about my cousin," wakatoshi she's so cute and small I want to pinch her cheeks!!" I sighed trying not to smack him," if you like her so much then go ahead. Careful she probably brought her nerf gun"

(Y/n) pov:
Sitting for Ushi was boring coach gave me a volleyball so I can play on the side. I watch as Ushi spikes the ball with his left. I hum trying it out I bounced the ball on the wall hitting it with my left it bounces back as I hit it with my right," That's so cool you're like a chibi version of Wakatoshi!" The loud voice scared me I pulled out my small nerf gun I keep in my pocket shooting the person on the head.

He shrieks holding a battle stance," I didn't mean to scare you and why a nerf gun?!" It was a very tall male either red wide eyes and spiked red hair," sorry and it's for protection I have two other siblings at home that would scare me"

He oohs apologizing," well I'm Tendou Satori pleasure to meet you" he bends down meeting my eye level. "(Y/n) (L/n) nice to meet you too. You look like a cat" he bounces back into his feet lifting me up," I'm a lion. Roar!" He holds me in the air bringing me down pretending to eat my stomach," Ah Ushi!! Help!!"

Ushi looks at us then turns back to his water bottle. Tendou stops snickering," it goes to show that if you were being killed Wakatoshi would let you die" we laugh running around the gym ignoring the others," Tendou act your age!" A black hair boy shouts at him as Tendou finally tackles me to the ground," but that's no fun!" He shouts tickling me.

Ushi asked me if I wanted to help clean up I nod throwing the balls in the cart with Tendou following behind me pushing it," alright (Y/n)-chan if you make it I'll get you ice cream" I gasp wanting the ice cream badly now. I throw the ball up spiking it in the cart," get me (favorite) ice cream"

I noticed the gym got quite as Ushi walked up to me," come on it's time to go home" he picks me up walking straight to the door not before getting asked about me being a lefty," actually I'm an ambidextrous which I can use both hands"

"Dude teach her volleyball!"

"She has to come to this school and join volleyball!"

"That's so cool!"

Tendou runs up to us pushing us out shouting bye to everyone," that was fun! Being questioned about your ability" I faced Tendou as Ushi held me in his arms," I guess but I had fun with you too Tendou!" He pinches my cheek grinning," of course you did because I'm awesome!"

"No you act like my best friend she's crazy just like you" I giggle yawning I lay my head on Ushi saying goodnight.

Ushijima pov:
I felt (Y/n) finally fall asleep never have seen her this tired. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as Tendou waved bye to me I nod answering it," yes?"

"Wakatoshi I'm going to need you to babysit (Y/n) again tomorrow and to stay over for tonight. I hope this doesn't bother you"

"No it's fine it's Saturday tomorrow anyway" my aunt thanks me hanging up after. I got home opening it being greeted by my dad," hey kid how'd practice go?"

"It was alright and aunt called saying (Y/n) is staying over until later tomorrow" I place (Y/n) on the couch as she curls up sighing tiredly," that's okay. Take her to your Saturday practice matches, I'm sure she'll love it" he smiles getting up from his chair.


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