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(Y/n) pov:

I heated up last nights dinner humming to a song on the radio. The song brought a smile to my face, that being, the song when Tendou asked me to dance with him at the party.

Oh, how I would love to relive that special moment the tall male swaying me around in his arms. Whispering compliments into my ear making me blush more and more. That also being the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course, who would deny his request? Probably an idiot that's for sure.

I hear the doorbell ring bringing me back from my little daydream. I quickly went to the door being greeted my Ushijima, "Ushi? What are you doing here? Don't you have practice?" I nod before scratching the back of his head, " it's rather strange really... So Tendou and I were going to the Gym and one of the science students asked if we wanted to try something" I nodded leaning on the door, " I said no thank you but Tendou being himself said yes and drank a black liquid they gave him"

"Is he okay?! Did something bad happen to him?!" he raises his hands calming me down he stays quiet for a bit leaving me anxious, " well spit it out what happened?!" he takes a deep breath pulling something behind him there stood a small child to which I assume is my boyfriend, " hi, babe!"

"Are you kidding me? Tendou is that you?" he nods laughing nervously, " don't worry they said the effects should wear off in a couple of hours" I sighed bending down to Tendou's height I pinched his cheeks getting a whine out of him, " Is this the reason why you brought him to me?" Ushijima nods excusing himself on his way back to the Gym.

Tendou walked in getting comfortable on my couch its time like these I'm happy to live alone, "Tendou you look so adorable you even have your old hair cut" a blush rises on his face hiding it behind a pillow. I poked his head getting his attention, " stop I'm not adorable, you are" his little pout made me smile more.

"well I have food on the stove care to join?" he nods joining me on the table serving him a plate, " I feel like a mom with her kid" I watch Tendou eat the food sighing at the flavors."dont worry babe by the time I get big again, you'll have one growing in your stomach!" I choked on the food drinking water in my glass.

"what? It's true. Unless you want it now. I may be small but it all counts in the motion in the ocean!" he stands on the chair pointing his little finger in the air proud of what he said. I chuckled scooting my chair away, " how about when you get bigger Tendou?" he shakes his head happy at the words I've told him.

Thank God it's Saturday tomorrow

Tendou Satori x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now