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9.Say My Name

Ah yes, who doesn't love babies? No one that's who even the left handed ace couldn't help but quietly awe at the baby in front of him," guys meet (Y/n) my one year old baby sister!" Tendou presented (Y/n) to the team while wearing a baby holder," why is she here?" Tendou laughs nervously scratching the back of his head," my mom got a call from work and dropped off (Y/n) here" he pulls her out setting her on her feet.

She toddles away sneezing and then falling on her butt. She stands up again stumbling back to Tendou," Hoot Hoot!" Tendou chuckles picking her up," no say Sa-to-ri" she mumbles saying 'Sa' but went back to saying 'Hoot'

He sighs handing her to Ushijima. Ushijima awkwardly holds (Y/n) holding her an arm distance. She giggles making grabby hands towards him. He puts her down on her feet walking to the net (Y/n) watches him spike the ball her eyes gleam. She walks to the retreating ball holding it in her tiny hands.

She takes deep breaths walking back to Ushijima she tries hitting the ball but it fell the moment she let go. She rolls it to the other side lifting her hands screaming," Bam!" Tendou recorded the whole thing laughing at the scene. The team smiled calling (Y/n) a mini Ushijima," heck no she's a mini Tendou, right (Y/n)?" He picks her up her little arms stretch out screaming 'Bam'

"Come on I'm losing hope here"



Through the whole practice (Y/n) screamed out Bam. Then wanting to be in Ushijimas arms, Tendou found it weird, that (Y/n) wanted to be with Ushijima more usually she would want to be around him at home," Come on (Y/n) time to go home" he clips on the baby holder the moment he places his hands on her she holds onto Ushijima like a baby koala.

"Ushi!" His heart broke in two he's been trying to get (Y/n) to say at least half his name for so long and it took only a few hours to get her to say 'Ushi'

"Here Tendou" Ushijima pries the child off leaving the building. Everyone left leaving Tendou with (Y/n) as he stared at her eyes," why won't you say my name, (Y/n)?" She tilts her head saying 'Bam'


The walk home was quiet he just couldn't believe what just happened. He enters his home his mom wasn't home yet but that was okay. He makes his way to (Y/n)'s room laying her in her crib. She sleeps soundly turning to her side.

He moves the little hair she has smiling. He drops the baby holder in the basket in her room closing the door behind him. He hears whines behind it listening.

"Bam" he opens it seeing a fully awake baby," go back to sleep (Y/n) it's late" he closes it hearing the whines again he stands by it for a few seconds then hearing ,"Sa! Sa!"

His eyes widen opening the door (Y/n) bounced in the crib trying to speak," Come on (Y/n) you can do it Sa-to-ri" He follows her words grinning as she finally said his full name he picks her up spinning her in the air," again (Y/n) again"

"Sa..to..ri" he hugs her pointing at the roof making (Y/n) giggle," Take that Wakatoshi!!!!"

Tendou Satori x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now