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15. Photographer

"I'm so excited I can burst!!"

Lev excitedly shouts beside me on the bus. We were currently on our way to go on a practice match with Abojosai High. No, I'm not the manager for the volleyball team im actually part of the photography/Newspaper article club.

I was assigned by my "Boss" Hikari Tamik to take photos of the male volleyball team for the yearbook. Hikari trusts that I won't get distracted by the team's flirty captain and only take photos of him.

I mean yeah he's got but not really my type. Lev was also my best male friend so that gave me the advantage to get permission from the coach to allow me to join them on the trip. " So how many photos are you taking (Y/n)-chan?"

"More than enough I have my charger ready for when my camera decides to die on me"

I take out my camera taking a photo of the team from the back of the bus. Without any of them noticing my actions because as the saying goes the best photos are the unexpected ones, "(Y/n)-chan are you going to take photos of the other team too??"

I shrugged sitting back down after an hour of sitting we finally made it to Aobajousai High but there seemed to be another school bus parked in the visitors parking spot.

Kuroo jumps out of the bus shouting at us to hurry outside. We followed outside grouping up waiting for an escort. Oikawa turned up around the corner with his hands in his pokes smiling peacefully at us."You guys finally came there's another volleyball team here. We forgot they were coming the same day as you guys"

He catches sight of me grinning. I rolled my eyes securing my bag on my shoulder following the flirtatious boy to the gymnasium. We got in greeting the other players inside. Turns out the other bus was from the Shiratorizawa male volleyball team. They all said hi back a lanky redhead caught my eye, he noticed me looking giving me a wide grin.

I smiled back waving Lev stood in front of me asking what I was looking at. I said nothing shaking my head. I went to the benches greeting the coaches and sitting next to them. The practice match was a little weird, to say the least, the redhead, and I kept making eye contact and that made him lose concentration and getting yelled at by his coach.

I took a ton of photos going through them and writing down their numbers in which I want to show Hikari first. The teams were taking a break and Lev ran up to me asking about his finger tape.

"It's in my bag Lev the little pocket to the left"

He thanks me going through the bag j felt someone drop next to me on the bench leaning over my shoulder. I turned behind face to face with the redhead, he smiled looking at the photos I've taken.

"I noticed you taking pictures while practice....any of them me by any chance?"

"Just one....and I plan on keeping it"

I smiled up at him hiding away my camera. He whines asking to see it, he inched closer nudging his arm with my shoulder."Come on that's not fair, you little minx"

I just scrunched my nose smiling at him. He's a weird one that's for sure. I tap my bottom lip thinking of what to say, "I'll show you the photo. In exchange for something small"

"And what would that be?"

"Your name. We have been making a good amount of eye contact since we first started. Clearly, we're both curious"

He smirked resting back in the bench extending his long legs. "I found it! Thanks!"

Lev shouted startling both of us. I forgot he was there. He ran off to Kuroo and Kenma who were looking in our direction. "Alright name for a photo that's fair enough but how about one more thing to add to this wager?"

"And what's that?"

"Your phone number?"

I laughed standing up ruffling his hair, he looked confused sitting up. "I don't think you'll want my phone number after this," I grabbed my folder filled with photos looking through them. I found the picture handing it to him.

"How'd you get a shot like that?!"

It was him getting hit directly in the face as Kuroo smirking spiking the ball. His face went full red handing it back I took it putting it back in my folder, "Never had I seen anyone take a ball to the face and not bleed by Kuroo's spikes. Now name?"

"Tendou Satori....but I might just change it after today"

"(L/n) (Y/n) here's my number. Don't be a stranger now~"

I boop his nose collecting my stuff hearing Kuroo call my name so we can leave. I wave at Tendou getting one back as he just blushed grinning.

"(Y/n)-chan do you like him?"

Lev walked beside me boarding the bus. I thought about it and maybe he's weird enough for me. I shrugged getting stopped by Kuroo, "Did you get the shot of me spiking?"

"Yeah, but I'm keeping it's a small memento of today's event"

"Damn I was hoping it'll make it to the yearbook"

"Don't worry I have plenty more of you looking awesome along with everyone else of course"

I walked to the back with Lev feeling my phone vibrate. I checked it getting a message to look out the window. I asked Lev to let me sit by the window and within seconds the Shiratorizawa bus slowly drove past us. Tendou was pressed against the window waving at me.

I waved until the bus left. Tendou Satori you've piqued my interest in wanting to know you more.

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