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6.Just one More

(Y/n) pov:
Tendou has been rather touchy for the last two weeks. It doesn't bother but every time we make eye contact with each other, he books it's to me lifting me off the ground hugging me like a child got their favorite toy.

"So like what's up with that Tendou dude? Are you two going out or?" Sofia asks she sits next to me on the bench as we ate our lunch on the roof top," no, he's just a childhood friend of mine" she giggles smiling towards me.

"It's cute wish I had a boy to hunt me down to hug me 20 times a day" just as she said that the familiar red head ran towards us screaming my name," (Y/n)-chan!" He drops on the bench hugging my side," oo~ lovebirds well I'll you two alone. Don't get too frisky with each other!" Sofia says running back inside.

"Tendou you lost me a friend" I say sarcastically he chuckles nuzzling his chin on my head," don't worry (Y/n)-chan I'm here" he continued to cuddle my side as I ate I hear his stomach growl looking up at him," did you forget your lunch again?" He nods telling me it was okay.

"Here" I hand him some rice from my chopsticks as he ate it humming his eyes glow squeezing me in his arms," Yay! I got an indirect kiss from (Y/n)-chan!!" My face bursted in red noticing what I did.

"Can I kiss you now?" 'Huh?!' I stutter not even knowing what I said," can I?" It was like a kid asking for candy his eyes shimmer in hope starring down at me," Um...ah...I-I don't know-mmff!" His eyes closed deepening the kiss his lips were slightly chappy but that didn't change the fact he was kissing me.

None the less I kissed back placing my bento box on the bench next to me then to Tendous shoulders. My fingers danced in his ruthless spiked hair as his fingers pulled me closer. We pull away blushing and breathing heavily," one more" Tendou surprised me as he lifted me sitting on his lap ravaging back on my lips.

I hummed putting pressure into the kiss feeling him smile as he bites my lower lip,"ow, why?" He apologizes pecking my swollen lip."so um if you couldn't tell, I like you (Y/n)-chan. A lot" I gave him a face like 'really' I pointed out what we just did and where I'm sitting," I like you too, Satori"

He gasps hugging," you said my name!" I sigh happily hugging back. He pulls away kissing every inch of my face ending inches away from my lips,"will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered waiting for my answer which was rare for him to wait for something,"sure, but take me out to dinner first cherry head"

He nods standing up lifting me up with him my legs automatically wrap around his waist as my arms did to his neck," Satori! Don't do that!" He pretends to drop me scarring me half to death.


"Fine, I'll put you down. Just one more kiss" he leans in but I turn my head saying no," please...with extra sprinkles and a cherry on top" he traces his nose on my neck causing shivers down my back. He nibbles on my neck chuckling at the small sounds I make. "That's so cute. Wonder what you sound like screaming my name" I faced him about to scold him but was cut off.

I let my hands wander to his head again gripping his hair. I suck on his lower lip smirking at his groans," That's so cute" I mimic his words he smiles placing me down. "I love you"

"I love you too, Satori"

Tendou Satori x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now