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8.Baby in the way

I laid on my stomach caging my little puppy Tendou has bought me in our 4 year anniversary. We couldn't really agree on a good name so we just call him baby," you're so adorable! Aren't you? Yes you are"

I nuzzled my face on his stomach as he slept snoring away. Tendou walked in staying oddly quiet," hey babe, how was practice?" He groans laying on his back behind me,"not good huh?"I moved baby to the side of the bed going up to Tendou," there was this field trip today with elementary kids and they invaded the gym. And guess who was the victim?" I sat on his lap leaning on his chest tracing out his muscles over his shirt.

"Was it Ushijima? You know how kids love his over dramatic personality?" We laughed trying to imagine Ushijima with a dorky face. Tendou shakes his head wrapping his arms around me patting my butt," close he has awesome hair and a gorgeous smile"

I giggle humming,"man this is hard—","it's not the only thing that's hard" I gasp getting hushed by Tendous lips. He clenches my butt adding feeling to the kiss. After a while we pull away but that doesn't stop Tendou from caressing my butt.

"Tendou~ why do you always d-do this?" Tendou smirks at the blush present on my face answering," it's squishy, it fits in my big hands, and I think of it as a stress reliever" he smacks it making me gasp.

"Tendou!" I glare at him holding his shoulders he flips us over him towering over me he leans down savoring the kiss. He trails a line of kisses to my neck leaving a few love bites on me," it's been a while since we've had sex" I nod not trusting my words.

"It's unhealthy did you know that? We should do it now before we get sick" just as he unbuttons my shorts we hear a tiny bark. Baby stood there growling starring at Tendou. He slowly gets off me keeping his eyes on the pup. He stood by the edge watching the pup make a fit.

I sat up crossing my legs baby marches up to me sitting in the small space between my legs growling at Tendou. Tendou narrows his eyes trying to reach for me but almost lost a finger pulling away," you little cock-blocker"

Tendou Satori x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now