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13: Tutoring

I sat by the tree reading my book casually looking up at the students who were playing games with each other.

I'm usually called a loner or the quiet girl. Not that I mind it. I closed my eyes taking in the sweet scent the tree was giving off. The sounds it gives as it sways in the breeze.

For sure it's a normal day--"(L/n)-chan!!"

I open my eyes finding one of my classmates extremely close to my face. I felt my face warm up as I stuttered a quiet yes.

"can you help me? I'm failing math class and you're the top student in our class sooo... Can you tutor me!?"

"um sure... Who are you again?"

"Eh?! How do you not know my name? We've been classmates since middle school"

I shake my head apologizing for not knowing, " I guess it makes sense pretty girls like you won't notice idiot boys like me"

He sulks getting up about to leave, " you're in the volleyball team, aren't you?" he spins on his heels facing me once more nodding a giant smile.

"You must have seen me play if you knew I was in volleyball!"

His excited eyes almost made me not want to tell him the truth," actually you're wearing the jacket...and I just assumed you play volleyball"

"Aha...I knew that...I'm Tendou Satori also is it possible you can tutor me?"

I nod awkwardly smiling up at the male he grins dropping to his knees in front of me with his arms caging my legs under him, "Meet me in the gym after school"


I hold my backpack close to me as I make my way to the boys' gymnasium. The squeaking of shoes and shouting made me nervous, standing outside the net door, a volleyball was caught into it scaring me half to death.

"(L/n)-chan! You came!!"

Tendou runs to the door lifting the net smiling down at me, "you're a lot smaller than I thought you were--but that's okay!! I'm sorry if I offended you!!" He bows apologizing endlessly, "It's fine Tendou-kun"


Tendou gets up telling me to sit by the stands and if I wanted to do homework is fine until he's done with practice. I nod looking at the tall male's play, more specifically at the left-handed male that I've heard so much about.

I place my bag on the bench actually enjoying at the sight of Tendou practicing with his teammates. The way how he predicted their next move was remarkably amazing if only he was like that with math.

Practice ended and Tendou skipped over to me with a friend that he was most proud of to introduce to me, "I'm sure you know this left-handed giant, Wakatoshi Ushijima"

"It's a pleasure to meet you I hope you help Tendou as much as you can. We can't afford to have him on the bench"

I nod gesturing for us to make our exit," he's pretty handsome, isn't he? Er! Well that's what I hear from most girls" Tendou laughs at his words waiting for my response," Um... I suppose he is"


We get to my house finding my mom in the kitchen and my dad in the living room watching a game with my little brother.

"Hey, sweetheart what took-...No I forbid you from having a boyfriend" dad stands up glaring at Tendou as he marches at him with anger in his eyes. Tendou gets scared trying to hide behind me as mom tries to calm dad down.

"D-Dad he's not my boyfriend...I'm helping him tutor so he can pass"

"It better stay that way"

Mom apologizes pushing dad back on the couch. Mark, my little brother, runs up to Tendou with excitement in his eyes, "You're so tall!!!"

Mom smiles dragging Mark away from us as I take a heavy breath," your family is really something...I like them, your dad scares me though" we look at my dad as he glares from the couch shooting daggers at Tendou.

"Let's just hurry before my dad gets the chance to interrogate you" I push Tendou up the stairs to my room. We take off our shoes taking out our stuff getting some topics down, "do you understand now?"

He scratches his head nodding doing it himself then showing it to me. I smile saying it's right but then notice he was staring at me, "is something wrong Tendou?" He just smiles blushing lightly looking down at his crossed legs, "no...you just look really pretty when you smile"

"Please don't say comments like those"

"Why not they are true?"

He gets up on his knees crawling towards me nuzzling his nose on my cheek like a cat, "You're so beautiful it makes me lovesick for you"

He kisses my cheeks trailing kisses to my neck making me let out a small mewl. He pulls away smirking at me," I sense you are sensitive... I hope I'll hear more in the future"

Tendou Satori x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now