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16. Twins

Never in my life did I think I'd have a kid let alone twins. As if one wasn't hard enough, but I still love my two trouble makers even if they do give me grey hairs.

Satori was an amazing Dad raising them. Genetics really did a number one the little ones they look so much like their father. From the red hair to the sense of humor it's almost scary when they have get the same idea at the exact same time, "Mommy when's Daddy coming home?"

"In a couple hours Tim where's your brother?"

"He's in the laundry basket... Again"

I quietly sighed putting down the spoon I using to stir the food in the pot. I grabbed Tims hand going to their room and there he was. Tom flipped upside down in the laundry basket yelling for help, "I got you Tom hold still"

I flipped the basket over pulling the basket up freeing the child. Tom looked around laughing up at me, "Mommy look I found a yen in Daddy's pocket!"

Tom shows me the yen grinning. I just smiled rubbing his head. The front door opened and closed getting the twins attention. I watched them dash out the room and in seconds a loud drop and laughter, "Thank god he's here"

I went back to the kitchen greeting Satori, "Hello my love~ how was it with the kids?"

"Well Tom is a yen richer and Tim watched his brother get stuck in the laundry basket upside down. I'd say it was a normal day"

Tim and Tom latch onto Satoris long legs singing the song he'd sing during his high school days, "Wakatoshi is wondering if we'd like to go to the beach with him and Grace"

The twins eyes glistened at the word beach and each grabbing my hand pleading. I hummed lifting they up then back down, "Don't know did you clean your room?"

They quietly said no running off to their room throwing things around, "You down for a little bit of sand between you toes?"

I turn the stove off calling the twins back down. Satori looked at me with hopeful eyes smiling, "Did YOU clean up the room?"

He groaned going off to the table with the twins helping them on their seats. Tim and Tom laughed at their dad as he continued to groan at me saying please.

"Daddy go clean!"

"I want to eat ice cream!"

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