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14. I didn't notice


(Y/n) pov:
"Girl it's been 6 years since you've had this crush on the cherry head. When y'all dating I swear?"

My best friend Grace asked annoyed about my affection towards the redhead. I shrugged not knowing I've given him so many signs of liking him that it practically seems pointless at this point.

"I mean honestly who's that thick minded to not see it?"

"Apparently Satori is"

We were going to graduate in a month and I knew I didn't have much time before we go on our separate ways. We sat on the benches after school sharing college letters, "(Y/n) it's not my place to say this but as your best friend I care about you and how you're feeling...maybe it's time to let go"

That's what im afraid of Satori has been everything to me. From the day we first met to the volleyball games he'd compete in I always found myself wanting to be a part of him to be a reason he smiles every day. But that's only a dream.

He sees me as a friend, a little buddy, a person who he knows would give up the world for him just to make him happy, "You're right...Satori clearly doesn't return my feelings throughout the years I've displayed it"


After graduation, I stopped showing my affection towards Satori. I still talked to him obviously but differently. Satori never told me which college he was going to, guess that shows my worth with him.

I had all my stuff packed in my car turning back to the house I grew up in. I was going to live in the dorms with Grace luckily they let her switch with the girl I was going to dorm with.

My parents smiled at me waving goodbye. I waved back getting in and starting the car. I didn't tell Satori when I was leaving for college not did I tell him which one I was going, because it just felt like if I were to tell him, he wouldn't really care much.

But deep down it felt wrong not telling him me leaving. He was my best friend and this is something I should tell him as well. So that's what I did I drove to Satori's home knocking on the door. His mom answered smiling at me.

"(Y/n)! It's been so long since you've come over dear. Satori! (Y/n)'s here! Come in dear I'll make you some tea"

"Oh no it's fine I'm actually on my way to my college dorms so I just came by to tell Satori bye"

Satori rushed down the stairs hearing what I said. His face was shocked at the news asking me tons of questions. We sat outside on the steps in silence, "Why didn't you tell me you were going this weekend?"

"I just couldn't let myself get hurt again"

"Hurt what do you mean?"

"Well since I'm leaving there's no point in keeping it a secret...Satori I liked you or well it changed to love for 6 years we've known each other. I felt like if I didn't tell you when I was going id get rid of this feeling I've had for so long"

"You...love me? I didn't notice"

"Really? I thought I was making painfully obvious even Toshi knew about my love for you"

Satori groans rubbing his face turning to me. I stared at my knees avoiding eye contact, "The guys would tell me about how you'd stare at me with admiration whenever you'd come to watch us practice and compete I guess they were right"

"Yeah...well, I just wanted to come by and tell you this before I left...so bye I hope you do good in your future college"

I got up walking to my car Satori calls my name and I pause his footsteps came close to me turning me around, "I'm sorry I never returned your feelings. I knew deep down I had a thing for you but to me, you're like an expensive ring I can't afford that's why I've always treated you as my friend...man now I feel stupid not acting out"

He smacks his head groaning 6 years didn't go to waste after all. I grabbed his hand from his face placing it on my cheek. I knew I was blushing from how warm I felt, "Do you still have a thing for me?"

"I never stopped"

He pulls me in for a kiss hugging me around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I stood on my toes just so he didn't have to be so hunched to kiss me. "Finally! Took you long Satori!"

Satori pulls away turning to his mom sticking halfway out the window. She smiled at us blowing a kiss at us and closed the window. Satori turned back around turning at red as his hair, "So uh...you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course"

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