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10.Beach Day

The team has decided to have a beach day because why not? Their amazing manager was able to buy canapes for the team so it was one for two people.

(Y/n) smiled beside Tendou bouncing in her heels, "you seem excited, babe" she nods holding her bag that consisted her needs for the beach and the night stay, " I can't help it. I've actually never been to the beach before"

This caught the team's attention asking her 'how come' she explained about her parents not having enough time to just go out and have a vacation because of their jobs which leads to her not going out much as a kid.

"dont worry (Y/n) it's going to be great we'll make sure you're first time at the beach the best one!!" Tendou hugged the small girl pointing at the bus, " let's go!"

Because everyone brought their own stuff the bus was crowed with bags and other stuff. Everyone sat comfortably in their own seat besides the last two suckers in the back seats."Tendou. This is starting off horrible" (Y/n) sat squished between Tendou who was by the window and a dramatically huge bag that towered over the both of them.

Tendou tapped his bottom lip not really knowing what to say, because it was true who the heck likes being squeezed between a body and an object, " sit on my lap"

"eh?" he pats him lap smiling (Y/n) comes to a conclusion that its better than having a bag stuck to her side sitting comfortably on Tendous lap. He wraps his arms around her waist kissing her shoulder, " let's have our own fun" he whispered. She quirks her eyebrow about to ask but quickly shuts her mouth feeling his hand trail down between her legs.

"Tendou" his hand reached inside her shorts doing a circular motion over the thin layer of her underwear. Her hips buck hearing Tendou groan quietly, "dont do that" he warned (Y/n) smirked grinding her ass on him as he slowly grew hard under her.

"(Y/n) stop or I'm going to fuck you here on the bus" but she didn't listen she curved her back dragging her ass up and down slowly but with enough pressure. The bus hits a few rocks in the road making her bounce on him dropping with a hard force.

He bites her shoulder clenching her waist. "were going to be at the beach in five minutes so start gathering you stuff" coach calls over his shoulder keeping his eyes on the road. Everyone grabs their things getting ready to hop off. "wait till we get off" he growls in her ear (Y/n) became flustered standing up.

Through out the whole day (Y/n) tried kept her distance from Tendou but that didn't happen he would randomly sneak up behind her smacking her ass and continue his day as if it never happened.

Night time rolled in faster than what (Y/n) hoped for as everyone went in their canopies fast asleep. (Y/n) rushed to her shared room finding Tendou already there, " hello there, nice to see you drop in on this fine night" he pulls her to his chest starring down at her with animalistic eyes.

He hooks his hands under her thighs lifting her up slamming her on the door."you have a nice swimsuit to bad it has to go" he smacks his lips on hers hungrily pulling the ties on her two piece.

He pulls away carrying her to the bed. Tendou crawls over her biting her neck marking her as his.(Y/n) moaned combing her fingers in his red hair, " I don't like foreplay, it takes to long" he pulls down his shorts and boxers then removing his white shirt.

He stares at her naked body caressing her face. A smile shows in his face as he packs her lips, "you look beautiful" he slams his member into (Y/n) heat causing her to scream in pleasure. Now it would be this first they've done it, but it has been a while since the last time.

Tendou groans at the warms tightness thrusting as hard as he could. (Y/n) moans wrapping her legs around Tendous waist pulling him closer, " Ah~ Tendou! Don't s-stop!" sweat began to appear on her face closing her eyes. His thrusts start to get sloppy knowing he was close to finishing.

Tendou notices her closed eyes, he frowns grabbing her face, "look at me" her eyes stare back at his as they both cum. Tendou holds himself up pulling out his cum leaks out he realized his mistake apologizing, "im so sorry! I didn't mean to cum in you! I promise to be a good dad" (Y/n) painfully sits up giving Tendou a kiss on the lips, "Tendou I had a feeling something like this would happen. I've taken birth control pills, so no worries"

He sighs laying down they cuddled on the bed covering themselves with the thin blanket, " I wouldn't mind being a dad" he pecks (Y/n)'s as she sleeps soundly.

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