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11.I Love You


The death of all women some are blessed with minor cramps while other cry rolling on their beds. Those who cry for no reason and those who get mad easily. In this case my friend you were one of those unlucky people for the pain week.

(Y/n) pov:
I groaned for the millionth time wrapping myself in the blanket I had. Satori walks in holding a heat pad smiling down at me, " how you holding, red river?" if I wasn't in pain I would've choked the shit out of Satori right on.

He just loves making jokes at the wrong time. "good...Satori can you run to the store and get me....stuff"

He smiles pulling out his phone looking up at me, ' guess he's going to type the list'

"its not much I'm sure you can remember it, I just need chocolates and pads" he gives me a thumbs up not before giving me a kiss on the head as he said bye.

{Hours later}

Hours have went by and I'm starting to worry about him. Could he have been jacked? Did someone kidnap him? DID HE GET HURT?!

As more and more questions poured into my head I didn't notice the front door opening. I hear close foots steps making my weiry, "Honey I'm home!" Satori barged through the door holding a bag filled to the brim. He holds something behind him making me curious.

"so a new flower shop opened near by and I thought what's a better way to cheer up your bloody girlfriend than to give her flowers?" Satori pulls out (favorite/flowers) in a boutique with a white ribbon holding them together.

"Oh Satori you didn't have to do that. Thank you, that's very nice of you" he sets the bag next to me motioning me to look in.

I open the bag finding all my favorite stuff from my favorite book to my all time favorite movie. Snacks that I can drown in happiness with a new large fluffy sweater.

And being in my period I began to cry like most emotional period adrenaline females would, "THATS SO SWEET OF YOU! I DONT DESERVE YOU!!!" tears pour out of my face as Satori laughed hugging me.

He grabs a movie popping it in and sat next to me cuddling me until I fell asleep.


Satori pov:
Okay then pads and chocolate! Easy enough. I grab my girlfriends stuff going to the cashier. She smiles giggling at the items, "girlfriend on a bad week?" I nod scratching the back of my head.

"yeah...she's real scary but once you get to know her she's really nice...when she's not bleeding that is" she tells me the price and I pay, "its natural for us girls to go crazy, but you can make her feel nice"

She leans on her hand telling me things about what girls would appreciate on their shit days, " a nice movie, flowers she might like, and a ton of food...that's not going to last her long. Take it from me she will not be satisfied with that chocolate bar"

And that's what I just did I bought everything that (Y/n) would like flowers, books, snacks, and movies.

{Flashback over}

I watched my knocked out girlfriend sleeping in the huge sweater. I pushed a strand of hair off her face kissing her forehead. I turn off the T.V. Looking around the bed and that girl was right she ate all the snacks by herself.

I got comfortable cuddling (Y/n) to my chest, "That was my new sweater"

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