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3.Confession in bed

(Y/n) pov:
After tiring up my hair I laid down in my bed getting ready to sleep that is until I heard a knock on the door. I got up walking over to the door leaning on it already knowing it's my roommate," What is it Tendou?" I hear shuffling on the other side before getting a response.

"I can't sleep..." this wouldn't be the first Tendou wasn't able to sleep. He would always come to my room asking to cuddle so he can sleep. Sometimes I wonder if he's a child on the inside. I opened the door letting him in he smiles at me then marched towards my bed. I closed the door locking it then turning off the light.

My bed wasn't really big nor was it small. I guess you can say it's a good size for a one or two person bed. I slide in facing the wall feeling Tendou shift closer laying his cheek on the back of my exposed neck. His long arm draped over my waist cuddling behind me.

I would be lying if I said I didn't like these nights. Tendou next to me at night and his warm body close to mine," (Y/n)-chan?" I hum in response keeping my eyes closed, "I still can't sleep..." he murmured on my neck I yawned turning around his face looked restless wanting to sleep but can't.

I wrapped my arms around his neck combing my fingers through his red locks of hair. He sighs keeping his arms wrapped around me bringing me closer he lays my face on my neck breathing deeply," I love you" I stopped processing what he just said," I'm sorry I didn't mean to blurt it out like that. I-I just like you a lot and I'm surprised how you haven't gotten annoyed by me yet—" I placed my fingers on his lips starring deeply into his eyes.

"If I found you annoying then I wouldn't be telling you I love you too. You're my favorite Cuddle Buddy Tendou" a few tears ran down his face hugging me as he drenched my nightshirt," did you ever wonder why I would come in your room almost every night?" I shake my head listening to his words.

He takes a deep breath before burying his face back into my neck," I get scared. Scared that you'll leave me one day and I'll never see you again. I had a nightmare where you left me and it felt so real when I woke up"

"I came to your room finding you asleep and that's when I realized I like you a lot. So I would say I was restless and have an excuse to be near you. Knowing Ill wake up in the morning next to you gave me reassurance that you won't leave" I gave Tendou a smile kissing his forehead caressing his stained cheek," never once has that thought crossed my mind Tendou. You don't have to worry about me leaving you because I won't"

His surprisingly soft lips met mines smiling softly pulling away. His red eyes longed into mines making sure what I said was true. Which it was. He nods relaxing on my bed, I combed my fingers in his hair again getting a pull on my shirt," so since we both basically confessed to each other, will you do me the honor in becoming my girlfriend?" I say yes getting a quiet squeal of happiness from the male," I love you (Y/n)-chan"

"I love you too Tendou" well it goes to show that after cuddling for who knows how long with the person that you love the most you can get a good night to sleep after it.

Tendou Satori x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now