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it finally snows in la and jack is very excited to play in the snow ; fluff

white christmas - bing cosby

( WARNING : light sub space )

jack's face pressed up against the cold window, brown orbs widened as he watched the falling flakes delicately trickle down from above. the boy smiled giddily, the once concrete floor now covered with inches of snow, the white substance drawing the brunette boy's attention. 

the boy quickly made his way down the stairs, sock clad feet padding across the chilly tile as he approached the door.

"jacky?" corbyn called, watching all the boy reached up on his tippy toes to fiddle with the locks, "hey, what are you doing, bug?"

"open." the boy pouted, pointing back up at the door.

"what's outside, baby? where are you going?"

"snowing, corby." jack ran up to the older, dragging the boy to the window.

the taller brunette chuckled softly, crouching down in front of the boy, "you can't in the snow with what you're wearing, jacky. you're gonna be all cold."

the boy looked down at his outfit, a thin sweatshirt the only warm thing covering his smaller frame as white socks concealed his feet, basketball shorts slightly hanging off his hips.

"'m not cold." 

"yeah, you're not cold now because we're inside." corbyn explained gently, leading the boy back up towards their room, "let's just get you all warm, okay?"

jack nodded, following behind the boy with a small pout encasing his lips. corbyn cooed fondly at the boy, kissing his forehead before moving over to the closet.

corbyn helped the boy place on piles of clothing, adding another sweatshirt to the boy's top before laying his own hoodie on the smaller's body. the brunette then helped jack into his sweatpants, the attire a bit oversized as corbyn tied the strings rather tightly. 

jack squirmed away from the boy, tired of his endless fussing as he returned to the window, "'wanna go outside."

"i know bug, we're gonna go. i just need to make sure you stay all cozy, so you don't get sick later. c'mon put your shoes on and we can go."

 corbyn carefully fit warm boots on jack's feet before the brunette was racing down the stairs, right back at the doors with the locks that were just too intricate for his little mind. corbyn was down the steps a second later, laughing fondly at the boy before unlocking the door.

jack spilled from inside, a wide smile quickly stretching across his face as he bounced towards the driveway. the boy plopped down against the snow, glove covered hands patting the snow as he formed a disfigured ball in his grip. 

corbyn came up from behind the brunette, smiling gently as jack handed him his messily formed snowball, the white creation crumbling once it was passed into his palm. the boy cooing at jack's pout, a small huff sounding from his lips as he set about to making another one.

jack moved across the snow dusted driveway, spreading his frame across the the floor as he formed snow angels into the ground, before taking back to building messy snowballs, only this time hiding his array of snow behind his arms, pushing corbyn away when the boy tried to steal glances.

"what are you hiding back there, bug?"

jack shot an innocent glare at the taller, "jus' my snowballs."

"why won't you let me see then, hm?" corbyn pried, leaning over slightly.

"because." jack whined, huffing when corbyn only shot a smirk at the younger.

jack frowned, looking over his hidden pile before tenderly reaching for one of his snowballs, throwing it at corbyn's face, a muffled giggle escaping his lips once remains slid down the brunette's cheek. 

corbyn's jaw hung agape, flinching once jack sent another snowball flying towards his face. the boy covered his face with his hands as jack now sent his pile of previously built snowballs flying in corbyn's directions, no longer muffling his laughter as corbyn was able to hear glimpses of his boy's precious giggles before he was bombarded with more snowballs.

"jacky–hey, hey that is not very nice."

the boy only responded with another snowball, scrambling away when corbyn was able to catch his footing. jack's small laughter rang through the air as corbyn began chasing the smaller, catching a snowball to his exposed skin every time he came close to catching the boy. 

the brunette finally caught up with the boy, wrapping jack in a tight hug as jack squirmed fruitlessly in his grip, "lemme go!" he struggled, trying to throw another snowball at the older

"nope! you're just gonna throw snow at me." corbyn refused, hugging jack tightly until his boy finally melted into his touch, "there we go." 

jack pouted, turning around in corbyn's hold before glancing up at the older brunette, "corb?"

"yes, bug?"

"can we get hot choc?" 

"of course, bubba. you don't wanna play in the snow anymore?"

jack shook his head into corbyn's chest, mumbling a small "s'cold" before wrapping his arms around corbyn's torso. the brunette chuckled, patting jack's back softly as he led the boy inside. the now cold boy cast a final glance at the fluffy snow piled on the sidewalk before digging his head back into corbyn's chest, making a mental pinky promise be return after he was nice and warm. 

may your days be merry and bright
and may all your christmas' be bright

wc. 966

day 10 of writemas hello double DIGITS

i love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (:

i finally put wp back on light mode and its a whole new experience LMAO i love it (: but when im sick of it, RIGHT back to dark mode i go 🕺🏽

i want new wp friends 😔 who wants to b besties😜

there are 15 more days until christmas and 22 until 2021 !!

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