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they enjoy christmas in the city ; fluff

winter wonderland - micheal bublé

clasped hands swung in between the middle of the two as their footsteps made shallow tracks in the snow. a certain brunette had to resist the urge to jut his finger out at every building the boys came across, another blonde having to hold back his coo's at the excitement the older showed.

the city was illuminated, a large christmas tree standing tall in the center of the town square, buildings completely covered with stringy festive lights canvasing the front of the tall platforms, dotted snowflakes trinkled down from the sky, tiny crystals dusting across both boys' fluffy jackets.

corbyn scrunched up his face once a flake landed across his nose, looking up at daniel with a pout as he tried to blow it off. daniel gazed down at the boy, stepping in front of the smaller as he cupped his face in his glove clad hands.

"how'd this happen, bug?" daniel mused, pressing a kiss to the tip of the brunette's nose before gently wiping the crystalized flake away.

"the snow doesn't like me dani." corbyn pouted up at the younger, huffing as another snowflake landed on face, tangling in with his eyelash, "see!"

the blonde let a laugh bubble out from his throat, his thumb brushing across the brunette's eye gently, "all gone."

corbyn's eyes fluttered open, his blue eyes meeting daniel's, blinking up at the blonde curiously. 

"what're you looking at, hm?" 

"why don't you have any snow on you?"

"i guess the snow likes me." daniel hummed, wrapping his arms around the brunette's waist, tugging him closer.

"that's not fair." corbyn whined, letting his arms connect around daniel's back before leaning into his chest. 

the blonde hugged the brunette, pulling him impossibly closer before resting his chin atop the older's head. daniel swayed the boy in his arms tenderly, letting the background music drown out the real world as they basked in the comfort only the two of them could surround each other with.

daniel eventually pulled away from corbyn, the older pouting at the loss of comfort but the blonde was quick to comfort him with a gentle kiss to the forehead, "i thought you wanted to see the lights, not the lining of my jacket."

"oh yeah!" corbyn's face light up, a smile easily brightening up his features as he stepped back from daniel, grabbing him by the hand before continuing down the freshly snowed sidewalk, "did you see those lights back there? the ones with the flashy lights that led towards the tree! it was so pretty. can we go back?"

the blonde smiled down at the boy, pulling his hand out of corbyn's and replacing it around his waist, gently tugging the brunette towards him as they continued onward, "i thought you wanted to see the tree though? you know they play those christmas mashups that you love so much."

"yeah, i wanna see the tree but i also wanna see the lights again."

"we can walk back around, bug. we have all night."

corbyn perked up at that, snuggling closer to daniel, letting a satisfied smile cover his lips. the boy happily strolled along side daniel, no longer resisting the urge to point out all the buildings that had large decorations adorning the fronts of it.

daniel couldn't help but let corbyn captive his entire attention, the way the boy's eyes just light up at the way the snow danced across the sky, how the festive lights shone bright across the dark painted night, the way the infamous tree stood tall like a fortress. he knew this time of year was corbyn's favorite, but he never got over the countless christmas songs the boy would begin to blast in the middle of october, the presents he'd be finished shopping for by black friday. daniel didn't know why the older was so entranced by the holiday but all he knew was that he considered himself extremely lucky to be able to bask in the adorable excitement that bubbled out of the boy once the season did stroll around.

daniel could almost hear the way corbyn's heart began to race once the christmas tree came into view, the younger physically having the hold the older back from racing over towards the center of the display.

"hey, no no no." daniel scolded, arms firmly wrapped around his waist.

"b-but, the tree!" corbyn struggled against daniel's hold, arms forming grabby hands at the ornaments.

"i know bubba, but you can't just run in the middle of everyone, you're gonna hurt yourself and someone else."  

"but the tree." the blonde pouted. 

"i know, we're going there now bug, we're just walking there instead of running."

corbyn sagged back into daniel's arms, a pout encasing his features as he turned around towards the blonde, glaring up at him.

"don't look at me like that corbs." daniel let a chuckle slip past his lips, throwing an arm around the boy's shoulders, leading him towards the big tree corbyn had been eyeing the second they arrived.

the two finally landed in front of the grand spectrum, corbyn's eyes widening with fascination, laughing gently before he whipped around, throwing his arms around daniel and shoving his face into his chest. daniel chuckled in surprise, smiling softly before allowing his arms to encase corbyn's frame.

"are you happy my love?"

the brunette's head nodded fervently into the blonde's chest, his hands clenching around the back of daniel's cozy jacket.

daniel turned the boy around in his arms, letting the brunette's eyes roam the elaborate decorations that graced the once bland city. daniel wrapped both of his arms around corbyn's shoulders, pressing the boy's back to his chest as he allowed some of his weight to drape over the older's body. corbyn reached up, lacing his and daniel's fingers before dropping his head to rest comfortably against daniel's chest. 

"thank you." corbyn mumbled after a while, his eyes simply taking in the scenery over and over again as if he couldn't fathom the pure amount of beauty displayed just for his viewing.

"for what bug?"

"for taking me here, for letting me live this."

daniel smiled as the soft music that garnished the muffled chatter of other patrons seemed to play into the background story of their end credits, as if the song set about to tell the story of their lives and this was the beginning of their happily ever after. 

"of course corbyn, i love you so much."

"i love you too."

a beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
walking in a winter wonderland

wc. 1118

ahhhh!!! welcome to day one of ... writemas?

idk we're still working on the names but welcome ! i so excited 🥺

there are OFFICIALLY 24 more days until christmas and 31 more until 2021

requests are now closed so i hope you got all your requests in while you could !

happy holidays !!!

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