MERRY CHRISTMAS | why dont we

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MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOUjeben, dorbyn, jachary

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jeben, dorbyn, jachary

they spend christmas morning in the arms of their loved ones

the christmas song - nat king cole


jonah cuddled into eben's side with a comfortable sigh, the blonde wrapping a warm arm around his body as he tugged the smaller into him. their matching pajama pants rubbing together as a barely conscious jonah tucked his leg in between eben's.

truth be told, eben was already awake. had already been awake, seemingly content laying in bed as he gazed lovingly towards his boy. the blonde gently traced jonah's face, his pointer finger barely there as he drew around the boy's eyes, trailing down to his nose.

jonah's face scrunched up, an airy huff leaving his throat as he pressed his his face into eben's shoulder. eben pat the boy 's back fondly, cupping jonah's face as he gently wiped his thumb against the soft of jonah's cheek.

"morning, sweetheart." the brunette grunted out in disagreement, nestling up further into eben's side. "merry christmas, love."

the younger slightly peered out of his hiding spot in eben's side, hazel orbs still concealed behind tired eyelid. the boy released a small hum, clearly drifting in and out of sleep.

eben lifted the boy onto his chest, helping the brunette straddle his waist as jonah pressed his face right back into the blonde's collarbone, the older pressing kisses to the younger's sleeping face. 

"it's christmas, sweetheart."

jonah finally lifted his head up, eben helping hold the boy up under his arms as the brunette, dunk with sleep, flashed a tired smile at the older, words slightly slurred, "m'rry chr'stmas."

eben laughed heartily at that, placing a tender kiss atop the boy's forehead before the brunette dug his head back into eben's collarbone, squirming around for a moment as he looked for a comfortable position, "'love you."

"dani." corbyn whispered, drawing out the 'i' of the boy's name, "dani!"

"yes, angel?" 

"it's christmas!"

daniel merely blinked up at the excited boy hovering over him, adorable features lit up as he stared down at the blonde below him, sleep long forgotten considering he'd been up since the clock struck 12.

"i know, angel." daniel smiled, pulling corbyn into his side, "why are you up so early, 'supposed to be sleeping, bubbles."

"i-i know, but it was christmas, and i got excited." corbyn tried to explain, innocent green eyes tearing into daniel's heart as the blonde peppered kisses along the tip of his nose.

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