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zach puts a lot of thought into a simple secret santa

underneath the tree - kelly clarkson

zach remembers not being able to contain the grin that stretched across his face when his eyes scanned across the name scribbled against a messily torn piece of paper. from the second he saw the 4 letters placed together his mind immediately began to wander–ideas racing across his thoughts. what best to get for the boy, what would he likes best, what would he most cherish?

he was barely paying attention to the small rules the older boy's laid out to ensure no one would go above and beyond (no one specifically detailing zach).

no fake gifts

no gifts over costing more than $100

no gifts with inappropriate prints (placed for daniel's sudden interest in down there drawings)

and most importantly: no revealing who you have. 

the brunette didn't necessarily care about these rules–he wasn't going to make a joke out of this, he wasn't going to mess around and make jack think he didn't care about the smaller brunette, but rest assured he did. and he was very well going to prove it. 

the boy had been at the store all day. he first wandered around the mall, nothing seeming worthy enough for a certain special boy. his next place of interest was a bouquet, thinking maybe cliché box of chocolates and flowers would stem better and prove to jack that he genuinely did care about him. evetually, his mind get the best of him, realizing the gift wouldn't be enough, maybe only fit for many a pre-date gift not so much a special holiday gift. he then wandered onto a jewelry store, wondering if the next best step was to get the boy a shining piece of sterling jack could wrap around his neck and never take off. on second thought, perhaps it was too intimate for the two considering zach hasn't even mustered up the courage to admit his feelings. 

the boy was officially stuck. 

there were so many choices, and he hated all of them. he could go with something small, or he could go with something bigger. he could do with a median, whether its a small medium or a median medium or a rather large medium.

a huff escaped from his lips, falling back against his car seat as he gently banged his head against the steering wheel. at this point the boy may as well just buy the older a car, it'd break the 100 dollar limit, but it'd be meaningful?

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