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they reveal themselves (on live)

my kind of present - kelly clarkson

corbyn snuggled up to daniel's side of the bed, his head resting on the blonde's chest as brunette strands tickled daniel's face. the blonde laughed gently at his boy, knowing it was nerves that had the normally energetic boy all upset and clingy.

but he didn't mind. who would?

his boy, all wrapped up in daniel's oversized sweatshirts as he remained pressed up to daniel's side. the wind blowing outside, falling snow dancing across the sky, cold tickling their noses as certain brunette shivered, constantly pulling a blanker over his shoulders as daniel kept him tucked into his body, chin resting atop his brunette curls.

"i'm gonna ask you one more time, honey. are you sure you wanna do this? you know management won't like it." daniel's tone held worry, of course he didn't like hiding anymore, but he would do it for forever if corbyn wasn't ready. if he wasn't comfortable. if he wasn't 100 percent sure. 

"yes, dani." corbyn giggled, pulling his out from daniel's chin to meet the taller's eyes, "i'm sure, i promise. not that it's changed in the last 5 minutes you asked."

"i know, i just wanna make sure you're sure, sweetheart," daniel caressed the side of corbyn's cheek, pressing his lips to the boy's hairline, "i don't wanna do this if you're not ready."

"i'm ready, dani."corbyn released a sigh, kissing daniel's adam apple tenderly, "as long as i have you with me, i don't wanna go into another year hiding. i have yours and the boy's support and that's all i need."

daniel smiled, leaning down to connect his and corbyn's lips. the brunette kissed the boy back all the same, smiling into the kiss as he felt truly content in daniel's arms.

"pinky promise?"

corbyn rolled his eyes, a giggle falling past his lips as he connected his pinky with daniel's, reaching down to kiss the blonde's thumb as the younger kissed his.

"alright, let's tell 'em."

the boy pulled out his phone, corbyn settling back into his chest as he watched daniel fiddle with the screen for a few seconds before he was pressing the start button on instagram live. 

a smile spread across both boy's face as the number immediately jumped to thousands, comments quickly spilling into the chat.


fan2: baby father going out of his way to look good huh

fan3: follow me daniel 😠😠😠

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