𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Nini's POV
Bad news I have been stuck in this bus for forever due to all the stops and I am really worried that I won't make it to my moms birthday celebration. I mean it's late it's already dark outside. "Hey do you know when we get back to salt lake". I ask the bus driver. "Hopefully in another 2 hours". Oh great.
~ 2 hours later~
I see my mom in the front door taking out the trash. Everyone was gone already. "I am so so sorry". I tell her. "You're ok right?" Asks my mom. "Yes" I tell her. "Everything's working. Your wrist okay. Nothing new is broken." My mom says. "I'm fine"I say with a small chuckle . "Anyone you know like Kourtney get sick today or break an arm or get in a car wreck ?" "No." I say. "Okay good then I can get passed being worried and move on to other things " My mom says. "I know you're hurt". I tell her. "Yeah you bet I'm hurt, Nini I really wanted you here today". "I know." I say. "My daughter should have been here, whatever it was that kept you you should have gotten out of it at least for today!" She says. "Was it school?" My mom asks. "It wasn't school"I say . "Was It Paris being annoying and having you study?" "It wasn't París"I say. "Well then what was it!?asks my mom. "It was something dumb". I tell her. "Where were you what happened?" She asks. "I cut school!" I say now crying. "You what!" Says my mom shocked. "I cut school and I got on a bus and I don't even know why I did it!" I say . "I have no excuse I was just standing outside of East high and I don't know what made me do it!". "I left school and I got on a bus and I went to New York". I say. "That's it . I'm grounded for 6 months or 7 and no TV, No phone and No books, in fact take all of my books from me and lock them up!" I say with tears streaming down my face. "Hold on here you went to New York?" My mom says. "Oh and I'll do all of the housework,the dishes, laundry. "Stop Nini, why did you go to New York?" My mom asks. "To see Ricky"I blurt out. "What!". "I don't know what happened and why I went". "You went to New York to see Ricky!" My mom yells out. "I don't know what made me go i mean and after his phone call last night-". I start to say. "That was him!" My mom says. "I don't know it did something to me I don't know what!" I tell her. "No books,no music,no phone take it all away from me!"I tell my mom. "Okay Nini- "my mom starts to say softly . "I'm a horrible person!"I cry out. "You're not." My mom says. "Am i sick is something wrong with me this is not me! I cry out. "This isn't me I wouldn't have skipped school when I had finals coming up to see a guy who isn't even my guy and end up missing my moms birthday which I wanted to be at so badly!" I say. "That's someone else that's not me!I say . "I mean I missed your birthday which is the worst I have possibly done!" I say. "I mean I hurt you and I spent hours on a stinky bus just thinking of all the minutes that we're going by that's i wasn't at your birthday !" I say. "That was so selfish of me , this person isn't me!" I cry out. "Ok oh my gosh take a breath"my mom says. "I don't deserve a breath!"I say "you should add that to my list you should ground me and taken the phone away!" I say. "Ok look nobody wants to say this any less than me, but maybe you aren't going crazy, maybe honey you are falling for Ricky." Says my mom. "No! No, i love EJ!" I say. "Ej is my boyfriend and will always be that's it forever!" I say. "Well maybe not forever" says my mom. "Yes! Ricky is gone now and everything is going to be ok." I say. "Nini you cut school-" My mom starts to say. "Yeah I know." I tell her. "You got on a bus and went to a city in your uniform to see Ricky! My mom says. "that doesn't mean anything, that means something !" My mom tell me upset. "No i don't want to talk about this anymore the only thing I want to talk about is about the list I made ! i yell out. "Ok look forgot about the list for right now". My mom says. "Well i gues I'll go to my room and go to bed!". "So I'm going to eat alone tonight?" My mom says. "Well only if you want me to eat with you". "Come on let's go to Luke's and eat". My mom says. "I am so so sorry mom". I tell her. She hugs me. "Oh really did you not make that clear she says sarcastically .

Hiii! Wow a lot happened! i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Comment and vote ! Next chapter is going to be soo good!

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