𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚠𝚘

221 11 11

Nini's POV
Well the dance marathon is finally over. My legs hurt so bad I mean I can barely walk! I just got back from putting on my uniform before school and my mom and I are now walking. "Gosh, my feet have never been in this much pain before!" i whine. "Oh yeah, I agree." My mom says. "Ok I got to sit". My mom tells me. We sit in the bench . "Anyway continue on what you were saying". I tell my mom. "Huh". "You know you were talking about-" "huh". "You know why never mind!" i say. "I'm so tired!" i tell my mom. "Well we've been up for 24 hours straight". My mom tells me. "Why did I agree to it". I say. "Because I told you to". My mom says. "How far is Luke's?" My mom asks. "Umm it's right I we there". I say pointing to down the street. "It looks so far". My mom says. "Hm very far". I say . "Alright well let's go on the count of three". My mom says. I wait for her to count but she just sits there.
~ a little while later~
"Oh my gosh". My mom says leaning on the table. We finally just got into Luke's. "I never realized that Luke's was a hundred miles away" I say pulling up a chair. "We're lucky it wasn't snowing!" My mom says. "Why are you sitting over there?" My mom asks. "What?" I say. "Why are you at that table?" "Huh how did I get here !" I say. "You say there." My mom tells me. "But this table is literally right next to yours". I say. "Well move over come next to me". My mom says. "No you move over here." I tell her. "Fine." I say. I move over to my moms table. "Oh sorry did my trophy bump into you" Kirk says to my mom. "No kirk it didn't." My mom says. "Good because the size of it is so large!" He says. "We're fine Kirk." My mom says. "I'm glad because these shiny golden edges could take an eye out".he tells us. "Ok" my mom says. "It's more like a weapon than a trophy". He says. "Ok can I hold it then!" My mom says irritated. "Get out of the way Kirk your blocking the door". Luke says. "I'm going to need one of your larger tables your smaller tables are to small for the trophy and I". Kirk tells Luke. "Put it on the floor". Luke says. "It needs its own chair". Kirk says. "It's going to need some glue if you don't sit down". Luke says. "Alright let's get some food?" My mom asks. "I can't I have to go". I tell my mom. "What are you talking about". My mom checks my phone. "What! Your telling me it took us 30 minutes to get here!" My mom says. "A lot of limping!" I tell her. "Ok well at least get a ". "He Luke we are going to need a couple doughnuts to go". He says . "Ok he says. All of sudden I hear footsteps coming down from the stairs . It's Ricky. He goes over to behind the counter where Luke is. "Hi" he says. "Hey" I say. "Hi". He says. "Hi" my mom says. "Hi" he says to Luke. "Hi?" Luke tells him. "I have to get to school". I tell them. "Yeah me to" Ricky says. "Bye" I say with a smile. "Bye" he says. "Bye" he says to my mom. "Bye?" My mom says . "Bye" I say to my mom. "Bye". I say to Luke. "Bye?" He says. I turn around and head out to the bus stop.

Luke's POV
"What the heck was that?" i say to carol. "Oh that was episode one of Nini and Ricky ". "What?". "Ricky and Nini are together". Carol says. "What are you serious ? I say.What about EJ?" I ask. "EJ and Nini broke up at the dance" she says. "They did? how come I didn't know" I say. "Because your you". Carol says. "But what happened?" I ask. "Ricky happened". Carol says. "Wow! Wow!" I say with a huge smile on my face. "So." "Yup!" Carol says. "This is great!" i say. "I'll tell EJ" carol says. "I mean Nini and Ricky, Ricky and Nini!" I say. "I think this is great. Don't you think this is great?" I ask her. "I think nini's 17 is probably time for a Ricky ". "I know Ricky is tough sometimes, but he likes Nini and Nini is a good kid". I say. "You know what I spent a lot of time and energy fighting the Ricky thing and we'll nini's made her choice and I want her to be happy I guess". Carol says.

Nini's POV
we are at my grandparents house right now. My grandpa and I were getting some sodas for my grandma and my mom when my grandpa spoke. "You know you might want to come with me next week". He says. "Come with you were?" I ask. "To Yale". He says. If you all didn't all ready know my grandpa went to Yale and most of my family. Well my grandma and grandpa really want me to go there but I've always wanted to go to Harvard. "What?" I say. "I don't mean the dinner that would be boring, but you might enjoy seeing the school." He says. "Well-" I start to say. "Your mother can come too it'll be a fun little adventure !" He says. "Wow." I say. "We could drive down, have a little roadside snack and get there in about noon have a little tour and the two you girls can go off and have fun I'd think you would love to see it!". My grandpa says. "I certainly would love to show it to you." He says. "Well... uhh sure grandpa that would be nice". I say starring at the floor. "Wonderful! Oh I'm thrilled!" He says. "Do you want to tell your mother or shall I?" He asks. "Oh you know what I can tell her." I say. "Alright you tell her"he says with a smile.
~ 30 minutes later~
My mom and I get in the car. "We are going on a trip next week a driving trip next week and he invited me to go.. and you". He invited us to go on a trip with them". I say. "Where!" Said my mom with a smile. "What?" I say. "Where too?" She asks. "Yale" I say looking at the floor. My mom laughs and starts to get out of the car. "Mom". I call out. "Mom wait." "No it's ok I got it" she says. "He's going for some reunion and invited us to come and we'll he got all sentimental and he really wants to show me the campus it's no big deal". I say. "It is a huge deal!" My mom says. "Nini he's trying to manipulate !" My mom says. "Okay done maybe he is but he really wants me to go I can tell and you don't have to go I mean he invited you and I'd really love if you could come but really you can stay home just please don't make a big deal about this ". I tell my mom. Basically my dad really wanted my mom to go to Yale for college but well my mom did not end up going there she ended up going to NYU. "Nini." My mom says. "We go. Hi Yale. Bye Yale." I say. "Nini". "I know I know grandpa is trying to manipulate me and pull me into the Salazar world and ruin my life did I leave anything out". "Ok fine" my mom says.
~the next day~
It's after school and I head into Luke's. "Hey Nini! so it's nice to see you" Luke says. "It's nice to see you to Luke?" I say. "So table for one?" He asks. "I'll just sit at the counter" I say. "Okay what can I get you?" He asks. "Umm I guess I'll have a cheeseburger". I say. Ricky walks out from upstairs. "Hey Ricky look who's here Nini!" Luke says. "Hi!" Ricky says. "Hi." I say. "Ok time to add another word. Ricky you want something to eat?" Luke asks. "I'm not hungry." Ricky says. "Oh yeah I'm not hungry either". I say. "Okay?" Luke says. "You know for that book you wanted it's next door I can get it for you !" Ricky says. "Oh yeah that book we talked about the hunger games ". I say. "Yup!"Ricky says. "Great" I say. "Here come let's go get it." He says. "Ok". We head to next door to where Ricky and Luke's storage is is so here is where the book is. "Here take it". "Thanks"I say with a smile. We stare at each other's eyes and Ricky grabs my hands we are about to kiss when Luke comes. I jump from his footsteps. "Here's your food!" Luke says. "Thank you!" I say running out the door. That was awkward hahaha.

Hiii! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! LOL we got drama about Yale and Luke was like when big red interrupted that moment 😂. Comment and vote

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