𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Nini's POV
I am currently in Washington DC right now with Paris for are school. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that. Since I decided to try and win Vice President for school and I got it I had to go to Washington DC for a bit more for like half of summer . I have been here in Washington for a couple of days and I am currently on the phone with EJ. "Well i got to go and Paris is having a mental breakdown ". "Oh why?" He asks. "Paris has a date!" I tell him. "Really?" He says surprised. "Hey don't be so suprised" París yells out . "How do you know he sounded suprised if we are on the phone?" i ask her. "Because I'm a genius Nini!" "Ughh i think I'm going to shave my head i don't know what to do with my hair" Paris yells out . "Alright well love you see you Friday " EJ says. "Ughh" Paris says. "Got to go". I end the call. "Alright Paris you need to calm down". I tell her. Paris soon leaves and I try to write a letter to Ricky but I just don't know what to say. I even thought about texting him and calling him but I just don't know.
~ A few days pass~
It's finally Friday! i get to go home today. I miss my home. I just landed and I am leaving the plane when I hear a familiar voice. "Hey Salazar over here !" "MOM" i run up to hug her. We both end up falling to the floor since I kind of jumped when I hugged her. "I'm so glad to see you!" I tell my mom. "I'm glad to see you!" My mom says. "I am never leaving home again!" I tell her. "Oh that's my emotional stunted girl!" My mom says. "I got you gifts!" My mom tells me. "What I was supposed to be the one bringing gifts back home!" I tell her. "I know I know but it's all Harvard merchandise!" . "Aww thanks mom!" . " oh and by the way I got you out of dinner with the Salazars tonight i thought that maybe you and. Ej would want to go see a movie tonight!" "Oh uh thanks what did you tell them?". "That you get home tomorrow!" "Big fat lie!" I tell her. "Yes, which proves how much I love you I mean I lied to my own parents!" "Well thanks mom!" . Finally we get home we pull up in are driveway My mom grabs one of my bags. We are about to head inside when she says. "You know that you could have left some of your books at home right!" My mom says. "Hey I offered to carry that one!". "I can't believe I'm home i feel like I have been away forever". I say. "I agree" my mom says. "Hello living room!" I say. "Oh my gosh I missed everything!" I say. "My kitchen!"I say running to it . "My room,My books, my stuff!". "Alright well I'm going to go change then". "For what?"
Ask my mom. "For the festival!" I tell her. I put on a cute purple dress and my mom and I head Out to the festival. We are walking around . "Who you looking for for?" My mom asks. "Um no one I'm just looking around". We continue to walk around when I see a familiar curly headed brown kid locking lips with a brown headed curly haired girl. I am quite shocked on what I am seeing. "What?" My mom asks. I look back to where Ricky was and the girl. "Well I guess over summer he found someone". My mom says. "What do you mean". "Well seems kind of lucky that you didn't throw everything away for Ricky when you see-" "see what what am I seeing" I snap back upset. "You're upset?" My mom says. "No im not upset!" I say. "Yes you are you look like my mother". "Thanks a lot!" I say. "You like my mother she's nice to you!" My mom says. "Yes but you don't like your mother so when you tell me that I look like your mother it's not exactly compliment !" I say upset. "Nini what is wrong?" My mom asks. "What is it?" "It's that!" i say pointing to Ricky and that girl he's with. "Ricky?" My mom says. "Yes!" I yell out. "You're upset about Ricky?" My mom say. " I said yes!" I tell my mom. "Yes it's Ricky!" My mom says. "You're not being funny". I say. I start to walk away annoyed by the fact that Ricky and some girl were hanging out. "Nini come on, I know you had this crush". "It wasn't I crush" I say . "I thought it was over since you haven't talked to him since-" "sookies wedding"i tell her finishing her sentence. "You talked to him at sookies wedding?" "Yes!" I say. "But he wasn't there". My mom says. "He was he had just came back and came to see me". "Okay so he crashed sookies wedding and?" My mom asks. "And nothing he had told me that he was back in town that he moved back and." . "What Nini? Come on tell me." My mom says. "And we kissed okay " I exclaim. "You kissed?" "Yes". "You kissed, you kissed? "Yes.". My mom takes a breath "ok well who kissed who?" My mom asks. "What does that matter?" "Well did he kiss you or did you both kiss each other or did you trip and your faces accidentally touch each other ?!" "I kissed him!" I tell my mom. "Okay" " well and I don't know I thought he came back here because he likes me. And I kissed him and he kissed back and the kiss only lasted like for 10 seconds or so " I say. "Well and I thought he liked me but now he's over there and i feel so stupid now and that girl isn't even his type and-". "Nini, what are you doing." My mom asks. " what do you mean what am i doing I'm ranting I got it from you !" "Yeah but you went to sookies wedding with EJ!" "I know". "Then you ran off to have a thing with Ricky ". "It wasn't a thing it was just a kiss and it wasn't planned it just happened !" "A kiss is a thing!" My mom says. "I can't believe it after all this time I'm thinking she's with EJ". "I am with EJ". "No Nini kissing another guy is not being with EJ" "I just I don't know what happened and what made me kiss Ricky I just don't know". "It was nothing mom". "Than why are you so freaked out! "I'm not freaked out!" "Kid you need to make up your mind, make up your mind already if you want Ricky than go get him!" "If you think that's the great love of your life than great don't worry about that girl because I am sure he will be moved on from her when you come!" My mom says. "Now make up your mind because EJ has been really sweet and kind to you and now your treating him like a piece of dirt and that is not the Nini I know". "I know!" "Look If you don't want to be with EJ anymore than cut him lose break up with him and he will find someone else who cares cause this is just wrong ". "Alright I get it just stop!" "Nini!" I Here Ej call out.
~to be continued ~

Ahh jealous Nini! btw The curly headed girl is Gina! Well we can all tell that Nini is definitely falling for Ricky! Also ninis moms last name is Salazar and her dads is Roberts but I made her keep both of the last names in her name. Ahh comment and vote

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