𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

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Extra long chapter today!
Nini's POV
today was Friday and you know what that means dinner at the grandparents . Today it was only my grandma and my mil and I since my grandpa is at a business trip. "Well you know you two make sure you always tell me what's going on on your lives." My grandma says. "Well grandma, I probably should also mention that I have been seeing someone else." I say. "Who?" My grandma asks. "Ricky." I say. "Ricky?" My grandma asks. "Luke's nephew. Luke from the diner." My mom says. "Oh. I see." My grandma says. "Um well am I going to meet him soon?" my grandma asks. "Oh I don't know." I say. "Oh mom that might be hard to arrange." My mom says. "Just bring him over for dinner sometime. How about next Friday?" My grandma says with a smile. "Oh I don't know." I say. "It's perfect timing I mean your grandfather is out of town and it would be nice to get to know him!" my grandma says. "He works Friday's? Doesn't he." My mom asks me. "Yeah Friday night it's a bad night ." I say. "Oh okay, well I suppose I'll even meet him someday ." My grandma says "maybe at someone's wedding." My mom says. "Or Nini's graduation... that's good that way we'll all get to meet him at once, myself your grandpa oh and your great grandma and maybe some of my friends ." My grandma says. No that's not going to happen. "You know what, grandma. Now that I think about it, I think Ricky does have that Friday off." I say. "Really!" My grandma says. "Lest do dinner Friday night." I say with a fake smile. "That'll be nice." My grandma says smiling. "Mhm so it'll be nice to everybody. Everyone will be nice.." "yes very nice!" says my grandma. "Really really nice?" i ask. "Of course that's what I just said!" my grandma says. "Good nice will be nice." I say.
~time skip to the next day~
Ricky and I were currently sitting on a bench reading. "So what do you think of the book so far do you love it!" I ask him. "I love it!" He says. Yeah I mean it's about SOC's and Greasers and I mean Johnny Cade and ponypoy Ugh this book is amazing." I say. "It is thanks!" he says. "Wait wait I'm not down reading it I'll lend it to you after!" I say with a laugh. "But why'd you show it to me if you know I'm going to to want to read it." He says with a laugh. "Because I like showing you what I'm reading, you'll get it when I'm done ." I say. "Your mean!" He says sarcastically. "So you have work on Fridays but you can always switch your hours your working right?" I ask. "Yeah I could why?" He asks. "Well next Friday I thought you could come to dinner with us." I say. "Huh?" He says. "To my grandmas." I say. "To meet your grandmother." He says nervously. "Yeah she'll be there so yeah it might be rude to not introduce you ." I say. "I can't I gotta work." He says. "You just said you could get out!" I say. "But I didn't know it was for meeting your grandma!" He says. "Ricky!" i say. "Sorry no." He says. "But I already kind of agreed." I say. "Oh, man." He says. "So I'm jammed." I say. "Does she knows what I look like? He ask. "I don't think so why?" I ask. "You can just find someone that looks like me and use them as me!" He says. "That's not going to work!" I say. I take a breath and hand him the book. "Hmm". He says. "Okay." He says. "Thank you thank you!" I say hugging him.
~couple hours later~
I get a call from Ricky. "Where you and EJ hanging out today?" He ask. "No ive been him studying."I say. "But why does this flyer say that you two couldn't stop talking about this play." He says. "Look I was forced to watch the play and EJ was there two and we are friendly now remember that." I say. "I know but that doesn't mean i don't want punch him ." He says. "It was nothing ok." I say. "Okay just.. tell me these things instead of hearing them from all over town." He says. "Ok I will I promise." I say. "So how was the show?" he asks. "It's going to need a lot of work!" I say.

~couple days later~
My mom ended up leaving to a trip so she couldn't make it to today's dinner. "
"I'm sorry he's late." I tell my grandma. "We're fine, dinner will keep." She says. "I just know you like things to be on time." I say. "Well there was a lot of traffic earlier so he's probably stuck in the middle of that." My grandma says. Finally we hear the doorbell ring. "There he is." My grandma says. I run to the door but when I open it I was confused his face was scratched and it looked like a black eye was forming. "What?" I say. "Sorry I'm late." He says. "Oh that's alright come in come in."my grandma says . "Um grandma this is Ricky, Ricky my grandmother." I say. "Nice to meet you!" My grandma says. "Same here." He says. "Oh uh what happened to your eye!" I ask him. "It's a long story." He says. "Oh this is new it looks bad. Does it hurt?" My grandma asks. "I'm fine." He says. "Is it why you are late?" I ask. "No there was traffic." He says. "Yes I knew that anyway come come have a seat at the table !" My grandma says. I stop him. "Were you in a fight?" I ask Ricky. "Dinners waiting." He says. "We're you in a fight." I say again. "I told you it's a long story." He says. "The tell me ." I say. "I don't want to talk about it." He say. "Why?" I ask. "Look Nini please I'm already in bad mood and traffic sucked and I'm thirsty and I'm hungry so let's just go eat." He says. "The roast looks perfect!" Says my grandma. "Oh and Ricky do you eat meat I forgot to ask." Asks my grandma. "I'm a carnivore." He says. "Good." My grandma says. "Well this one here eats just about everything!" My grandma says. "Grandma!" I say. "I'm sorry but the way your mother and you eat." My grandma says. "So Nini tells me you help Luke and have another side job." My grandma asks Ricky. "Mhm only for a while." He says not making eye contact. Ricky was in a bad mood I can tell and I was in one to by the fact that he won't tell me what happened. "So did you just get it?" I ask him. "Huh?" He says. "The eye- did it just happened?" I ask. "You know we should eat these salads so the roast doesn't get cold." He says. "I mean your eye incident must have happened not to long again." i say. "Yeah it happened not to long ago"he said. "But why can't you tell me what happened." I say. "Nini come on just wait I'll tell you later it's a long story." He says. "Oh know we need salt and pepper let me go get it." My grandma says. "I don't want to get into it here." Ricky says. "It's obvious why!" I say. "Oh is it?" He says sarcastically. "You got into a fight with EJ." I say. "Unbelievable." He says. "Is that it." i say. "It's always comes back to EJ." He says. "Because you bring it there!" I say. "You brought up EJ!" Ricky says. "Because you got into a fight with him it's obvious I mean the other night was nothing why can't you just listen to me when I say we are just friends I don't like him anymore I like you Ugh!" I say. "Why are you pressing this Im trying to make a good impression here for your grandma for your request and why do people put raisins in a salad!!" Ricky says. "I didn't here you deny it!" I say. "Alright Ricky how do you like your prime rib cooked?" My grandma ask. "Cooked!" Ricky says sternly. "He's not picky, grandma." I say. "Good that will make it easier." She says trying to keep a smile on her face. "So what did I miss?" my grandma asks. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Ricky says. "Grandma would it be alright if I can talk to Ricky for a second !"'i say upset. "We're eating." Ricky says. "Well I want to talk!" I say sternly. "Your being a little rude to your grandma Nini." He says. "I can leave the room for a second."my grandma says . "No grandma it's ok let me talk to him in the living room." I say. "I told you Ricky that we are just friends, but you wouldn't believe it, you have to get into a fight with him I mean what else I mean your not saying anything else I mean it has to be right before dinner !!" I say. "I didn't get into a fight with EJ!" Ricky says. "Sure!" I say. "Believe what you want." He says. "I'm going to find out eventually!" I say. "What if EJ punched me and I had to defend myself? Your not even thinking of that possibility!" Ricky says. "Like EJ would do that." I say. "Uh huh sure! Ricky says. "Your being a jerk to my grandmother!" I say. "Hey I'm doing my best I didn't even want to come but I did this for you !" Ricky says . "No one made you!" I yell out. "You made me, now I've seen it all." He says. "You embarrassed me in front of her." I say. "That's it. I've had it.". Ricky says. "So have I!" i said. "If your going to keep mentioning this I'm leaving." Ricky says. "So now I'm going to have to explain to her on why my boyfriend is leaving who showed up a half hour late with a black eye is walking out!" I say with tears on my face. "Well you like making stories up in your head so that should be an easy answer for you!" He says. Ricky walks out and leaves. "Is he grabbing something from his car?" My grandma asks. "I don't think so." I say. "He left." My grandma says. "Yeah, he left." I say. "Well why don't we just have a girls dinner tonight then!" My grandma says. Today. Was.the worst.day.ever. I ended up spending the night at my grandmas . I heard my grandma yelling at my mom on the phone the next day about Ricky and how she didn't like him one bit. I mean that was the worst argument ever we've never been in an argument like that before. Since Ricky didn't tell me I decided to head to the grocery store where EJ works out to see if he would tell me what happened. "Hey." I say to him. Hey."he said. "Can I talk you you for a sec?" I ask. "Yeah what's wrong?" He asks. "Look EJ this while friends thing isn't going to work if we are not honest with each other." I say. "I agree." He says. "Okay so anything you want to tell me?" I say. "Corns 2 for $1?" He says. "Ricky has a black eye." I say. "Oh yeah?" He asks. "Any idea where he got it?" I ask. "That would be an extremely long list." He says. "Wait it wasn't you?" I say. "No it want me." He says. "Swear?" I ask. "I swear. Did he say it was me?" EJ say. "No he's not saying anything. He's less talkative then some." I say. "Yeah I'm sorry but I have no idea." EJ say. "Look I need to get back to work." He says. "I know ok well thanks." I say. "Sorry I couldn't solve the mystery." He says. "Me to." I say. I immediately feel bad I mean I can't believe I really though that's what happened what is wrong with me.

Ricky's POV
"Whoa!" My uncle Luke says . "What?" i ask. "You look like a dog with a black spot on its eye!" My uncle jokes. "I don't wanna talk about this." I say. "Is that why you snuck in yesterday night." He asks. "I didn't sneek in now can we get back to work." I say. "Fine." He says. "So what did you get into a fight with EJ?" My uncle asks. "It want a fight with EJ! I say irritated. "I just asked!" my uncle says. "What's with everybody making assumptions? I'm sick of it!" I say. "Ok so it wasn't EJ." My uncle says. "No." I say. "When did it happen yesterday." He asks. "Yes." I say. "You went to Nini's grandmothers. She punched you?" My uncle asks. "Stop!" I say. "Where's you get it!" He asks. " so your not going to tell me!" He says. "Yup that's right!" i say. "Hello, yeah one sec my uncle says answering the phone . Ricky it's Nini." He says. "I'm not here." I say. "What?" my uncle says. "Don't you get it I didn't want to talk!" I say. "You don't want to talk to Nini!?" My uncle says. I give him a look. "Hey Nini he just went to someplace yeah I'll tell him bye." My uncle says. "Come on!" my uncle says grabbing me by the shirt heading outside. "Hey!" I say. "Look your my responsibility and I don't care if you don't want to talk but your not leaving until you tell me how you got that black eye!" my uncle says. "You wouldn't believe it anyway!" I say. "Tell me!" He says. "A swan." I say. "Excuse me?" my uncle says. "I was attacked by a swan, okay? You happy? A stupid swan " i say. "Now how about the real story." My uncle says. "That is the real story! The swan hang out in the pond I was just walking and the thing came out of nowhere and attacked me, it beacked me right in the eye" i say. "It beacked you?" My uncle asks. "You still don't believe me!" I say. "I just never heard of beaked as a verb!" my uncle says laughing. "No this isn't funny, that dumb bird attacked me! He could have blinded me!" i say. My uncle starts laughing. "It's a vicious, vicious bird, you know what fine. Forget it.!" I say. "What are you doing my uncle asks me?" "I'm going to go beak the bird back with this spoon!".

~ a couple minutes later~
"Ricky I don't see the swan!" My uncle says. "Just wait!" I say. "Ricky
Your dating Nini and when your dating her that means you have to know the family the mom and the grandparents!" My uncle says. "But I'm dating Nini not her family !" i say. "She comes with a package her mother and her grandmother!" My uncle says. "And apparently a lot of others everybody she's meee including EJ!" I say. "She picked you." My uncle says. "Gosh who knows why." I say. "Ricky being jealous of EJ-" my uncle starts to say. "I'm not jealous of Ej!" I say. "Being jealous of Ej is pointless! You can't avoid Nini and her calls!" My uncle says. "I just didn't want to talk." I say. "Well then when are you going to want to talk?" He asks. "I don't know." I say. "So what are you going to do never take her calls again?" My uncle ask . "She'll find me eventually." I say. "If she keeps looking for you." My uncle says. "Hey I'm not like EJ!" I say. "EJ had her for a long time you have had a little fight after two months, and it's over?" my uncle says. "I don't care." I say. "You don't care ok sure that's obvious." My uncle says. "Sh shh!" I say. "Is that the one?" my uncle ask looking at the swan. "That's it. Watch him!" I say. "He's vicious in telling you!" I tell my uncle. "Let's just leave forget it it's not going to attack us probably since there's two of us." I say. My uncle starts laughing.
~a couple minutes later~
I'm in the diner and I spot Nini outside. "Nini." I say heading outside. "Oh hey." She says. "Hey your mom back yet?" He asks. "Yeah I'm bringing her food." She says. "So uh sorry I missed your calls." I say. "You were always out." She says. "Yeah I was getting ready to call you now but you would have been out." I say . "Yeah." She says . "So I know there was no fight with EJ." She says looking down at the floor. "Really. How?" I ask. "You asked EJ." I say. "It was the only thing I could think to do." She says. "I'm sorry I doubted you." She says. "It's okay. I would've doubted me too." I say. "I need to trust you more like I had trusted him in the past" she says. "The black eye screwed everything up." I say. "Yeah hopefully next time will be better." I say. "Next time?" She says with a smile. "Next time." I say . I gave her a quick kiss. "Ok so what happened?" she asks. "I don't-" I start to say. "Come on it wasn't EJ so you can say!" she says. "Will that make you happy?" I ask. "Yes,very." She says. "Ok I'll tell you the truth since we are both telling the truth tonight that's what good relationships are about right ." I say. "Right!" She says. "You got to promise me not to mock me ever and please don't tell anyone else." I say. "I promise!" She says. "I was throwing a football with a buddy and got hit in the eye." I say lying. "You poor thing!" nini says. "Yeah." I say. "But that's not embarrassing?" She says. "Yeah now that you mention it, it's not." I say. "Ok well I got to go take take out back to my mom." She says. "Ok see you later." I say.

Wow! This chapter was 3000 and something words!! Ahaha this chapter has a lot of drama ! i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if there are some spelling errors it's because of autocorrect! comment and vote

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