entry 12

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One of the realest things that I can say is that sometimes you have to be broke so that you can learn how to be more responsible and budget your money. As bad as this may sound, you might have to be treated not so great in order to appreciate being treated well. You will go through life having jobs that you absolutely HATE just to be able to get to the point of being able to do what you LOVE one day.

Getting your shit together involves an unimaginable amount of honesty and there isn't a single thing that makes it easy knowing that YOU are the one who was always holding yourself back.

You will throw your teenage years away being so hung up on a guy who talks to like 20 other girls and obsessing over him knowing that you deserve better than that. But that's all part of the process of being treated badly in order to appreciate being treated well. It goes hand in hand with that.

People will tell you that YOU are the problem if you don't put up with any bullshit and you won't fall for it. They will say that you're the problem just because they know that you are smart enough to know what is going on and you don't just sit back and not say anything. You don't let people control you. You don't want to be cheated on time and time again, hurt, and cry anymore. You JUST want to be happy and not have to go around constantly second guessing yourself and everyone in your life.

 All because of that, people will forever see YOU as the problem because they don't want to take accountability for the things they do.

You will also lose friends the second you decide to stop partying, grow up, and realize how toxic that is. You'll lose friends when you become the "boring" friend all because you'd rather just chill or hang out and not do stupid stuff all the time anymore and you realized you wanted better things in life than that.

I'd also like to say that it truly is the most ironic thing when people treat you like absolute trash and still expect you to bend over backwards for them and do whatever they want you to do. We're humans, not a piece of property or a possession to be claimed. Some people really need to work on getting over themselves and growing up. You can't live your whole life trying to manipulate people and expect them to continue to want anything to do with you. People get tired of being used and taken advantage of.

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