Chapter 6

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Third-Person's POV (Sakusa's Ponts of view)

Sakusa is just staring at his screen. Frozen in place, Did that just really happen

He was surprised and dismayed.

His body can't move. He felt as if the world freezes

His heart is beating so fast it feels like its running on a race track.

When he finally got his body to move he still didn't do anything. He does not know what to do

I'm sure this is just some kind of prank

Surely. Atsumu just really love pranks, Right?

Please tell me this is just a prank...


Why so suddenly?

What did I d--, have I been too harsh

I didn't mean it like that. He knows I love him right?

I love him for surely he knows that, He also knows that my phobia is making it harder for me to show it

Is it really my phobia though?

Did I ever said I love you to him?

Have I ever told him how much I love him?

I haven't done that... I've never done that...

I-is he really giving up on me? N-no...

That can't be... I can't give him up!!

I thought we are gonna fight together!!


No please... Atsumu, My Atsumu

Does this mean his not mine anymore?...

No. I can't have him taken away from me!!!

How can I have him back!??

Is there anyways for me to have him again?!

How can't I just treat him the way he should be treated!!!

Why do I always compare him to his brother!!. His not Osamu and he will never be

So why do I always compare him with his twin

What am doing this whole damn time?!!

What am I saying that I can live without him?! I can't live without him!!!

My heart can't take it. And my mind won't accept it!!!

So please god tell me this is just a prank. Please...

I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry (Iwaoi and Sakuatsu Angst) [Discontinued ATM]Where stories live. Discover now