Chapter 15

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Third-Person's POV

Atsumu is staying at Ushijima's house for the night but every morning till night time he would be at the hospital taking care of Oikawa.

He haven't gone home since he got out which is just 3 days ago and he don't intend to do so. Right now he is going to his house to take somethings to go to school tomorrow to study

Even if he doesn't want to its not like he have a choice. He doesn't know which school to transfer to and he can't just leave Oikawa

Though Ushijima is with him every after his school and practices Oikawa would be alone most of the Morning and Afternoon. Oikawa's personality wouldn't survive if that happens

Specially since his been alot more clingy nowadays specifically with Ushijima. Every time he goes to the hospital Oikawa would just start clinging onto his shirt then to his arms or even hold onto him like a koala

Atsumu seems to understand more each day that past. That for surely they had a past relationship...

Atsumu walked down the stairs to see Ushijima in there. "Where are you going late at night. Atsumu?" Ushijima asked sitting on the couch

"Home... I need to take my things in there" Atsumu answered.

"I'll be coming with you then. Can't have you going there alone, Can I?" Ushijima said standing up and getting his coat from the rack

"Are you sure? I don't wanna be a bother to you too" Atsumu asked

Ushijima looked at him as if his crazy and walked towards him ruffling his hair. "You never became a bother. And Oikawa's friend is my friend as well, And specially you. He treats you like his own child..." Ushijima answered then turns away from him

Ahh... Right, The way Oikawa treats me as if I'm his kid and always gives me compliments even though I just did little things like doing a back flip

"Atsumu where this other coat here. I wouldn't want you getting a cold, Oh! And don't forget your gloves and hat. I think the first snow will fall this night or tomorrow morning, And your boots!! And mask, And scarf!!, And Ear mittens Oikawa would kill me if he found out you got a cold" Ushijima stated

"Don't be too overdramatic. I'm sure he wouldn't" Atsumu said to Ushijima

"He almost did yesterday. When he found out you almost fell down the stairs and he started smacking my head and make me kneel down before him because I couldn't take care of you. Oh I almost forgot I almost fell down the window of his room because he almost pushed off of it, That's why we can't have you getting a cold!!" Ushijima explained before going out. Atsumu looked out the way Ushijima

He obliged to what Ushijima told him to do. Putting on his scarf, gloves, hat, boots and Mask, He don't know what the mask are for but he just obliged anyways

He started walking towards the door and opening it. Now he knows what he need the mask for

Outside is full of fog and dirts flying around because of the wind he feels as if he will be flying in the sky like a paper because of the wind.

"Are you alright?" Ushijima asked turning him in front of him fixing his mask

"Did you just forgot your Ear mittens?" Ushijima added. Atsumu awkwardly laughs

"I-i think so... My ears are freezing" Atsumu answered. Ushijima runs in the house then came back putting the Ear mittens on Atsumu's head

He suddenly runs in again and came back with Ear warmer. He put it on Atsumu

"Almost forgot your Ear warmers..." Ushijima said. He held Atsumu's shoulders and walked beside him as if he is a kid who would be lost in this kind of fog

"You're acting like a dad right now. A dad who doesn't want to get killed by his wife if his children got a cold" Atsumu stated

"Yeah... I don't want to die yet, Oikawa would probably no! Most definitely throw me knives if he found out you got sick. I don't want that, I have so many dreams to reach can't have him kill me before i reach those things. And he would cut my dick off for sure, I still want to have kids so I also don't want that" Ushijima answered truthfully breathing in and out slowly

"HAHAHA!! Are you really that scared of Oikawa?" Atsumu said

"Not if we are just talking about him being pissed off because of me being stubborn. But if we are talking about if you would get a cold? Yeah... I'm definitely afraid of him" Ushijima said

"Hehehe. By the way, Do you know where my house is?" Atsumu asked. Ushijima coughed a few time before stopping

"Right... I don't know where your house is" He answered

Atsumu chuckled before he starts walking again and almost instantly fell if he didn't just grabbed onto Ushijima

"Yup... You're as clumsy as a kid" Ushijima said before wrapping Atsumu's arm around his to support Atsumu

"Thank you... Dad" Atsumu giggled at his last words. Ushijima just rolled his eyes and they started walking again

There is a few times Atsumu almost fell but with Ushijima's support thankfully he didn't. They're riding the bus to go to Atsumu's house

It's not that kind of packed rather its not even alot of people that is riding the bus so they can sit wherever they want.

Now they're in front of Atsumu's house and He is definitely nervous

"This is the first time I've ever became nervous about going home. No actually the second time" Atsumu stated

"When was the first time?" Ushijima asked Atsumu

"When my mother started verbally abusing me" Atsumu said before starting to walk towards the door

Atsumu took out his keys and opened the door. There he saw his mother sitting on the couch with his brother and Father talking about something

Tsk... Perfect! Who would have thought they will be complete today

This is one of the most unlucky days of my life...

"Atsumu... You've finally come home"

I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry (Iwaoi and Sakuatsu Angst) [Discontinued ATM]Where stories live. Discover now