Chapter 12

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Third-Person's POV

Atsumu and Oikawa are both inside a Psychiatrist's Room in the hospital.

"When did it start?" The Doctor ask

"When did the thoughts of giving up start?" He added

"A-after the break up"

"In those days how often do you feel down, depressed, Or hopeless?"

"Every second"

"Have you had thoughts of suicide?"

"I attempted just yesterday"

"Have you ever had trouble sleeping?"

"Yes and everytime I do fell asleep I always wake up between the time 2-3:00 Am"

"How's your energy?"

"I feel fatigue all over my body"

"Would you rather stay at home than go outside and do new things?"


"... Since it's just a few days ago this can't be considered depression yet, Mr. Oikawa please do watch over Mr. Miya for us and then bring him back here two weeks from now" The Doctor stated

Atsumu and Oikawa looked at each other before nodding. "Can I also get a test please" Oikawa asked the doctor

The Psychiatrist looked at him with wide eyes. "Yeah... Sure"

"Thank you" Oikawa stated

"How often do you feel down or depressed?"

"It happens just suddenly. In a moment I'm fine then in just second I feel like crying and feel like my heart is so heavy"

"Have you had thoughts of suicide?"

"Just thoughts of death but not me actually dying"

"Trouble sleeping?"

"A bit"

"How's your energy?"

"I'm actually pretty normal. I even made up a story of The Sun's light cheating on The Sun with The Moon" The Doctor chuckled at Oikawa's answer

"Would you rather stay at home than go outside and try new things?"

"No. But if it means that I can take care of Atsumu then sure why not?, I'll just make up another story but this time I'm going to make it about The inner and outer core. Who do you think is cheating between the two Doc?" The Doctor burst out laughing while they heard Atsumu giggling

"You're a very funny kid. So I don't think it's possible that you have depression, Rather you're just worried for Atsumu that's why you can't sleep"

"Doctor I have a confession to make" The Doctor looks at Oikawa with a worried eyes

"Is it normal that just after the break up I already fell for someone new?" The Doctor could not stop himself anymore

The Doctors eyes are teary because of laughing his ass out and Atsumu is face palming himself because of embarrassment.

"Why not? I mean if that person could help you move on. Why not right?" The Doctor answered

"OK then. So I'm a normal person after all" Oikawa said while dragging Atsumu out with him

The Doctor watch them as they leave the door. He looks at Oikawa's test. "If it's not depression then... Why is he shaking so badly earlier, Is it some kind of illness? Is he having Anxiety for his friend? But his shaking too much it isn't nor--"

The Doctor stood up from his sit. His eyes were big and there was worry in his eyes

"Don't tell me it's Anxiety Disorder... That kid... Those smiles and jokes of his. Its true after all, A Person who laughs the most is also a Person who worries alot. But this isn't just alot"

Atsumu and Oikawa are making their way towards Atsumu's room when suddenly Atsumu asked Oikawa

"You've been shaking for awhile now. Are you okay?"

"H-huh? Y-yeah of course I am. Why wouldn't I be, I just got really worried for you"

Atsumu looked at Oikawa before shrugging.

You take care of me like crazy but you can't take care of yourself. Don't make me worried

"What do you want for lunch?" Oikawa asked.

"Ahh... Its up to you, Buy something you like and let's eat it together later" Atsumu answered with the smile

Oikawa grins widely and nodded.

He still won't stop shaking!! Is he really alright?!

Gosh darnit how can he continue walking shaking like crazy?!

"We're here!!" Oikawa shouts and opens the door shakily having Atsumu come in first before him

Atsumu laid at his bed with Oikawa helping him. He watches Oikawa's every move

Why is he shaking?!

Oikawa started making his way to the door. "I'll be buying our meal then"

Oikawa walks out the door he looked everywhere with his eyes and started walking stumbling every once in a while

He walked towards the entrance of the hospital and fall into his knees when his already at the side of the hospital

His breathing is really uneven and his having a hard time doing so. He can feel the eyes staring at him but he couldn't be more careless

His eyes is glinting with tears and its getting hard for him to see. Everything his being very dizzy

Everything he sees is moving like crazy. The parked cars is having wazy body

The people who is walking in front of him is spiraling. The ground is moving like a water with waves and tides

All the colors is just making him crazy nothing is even. A man started running towards him

Green, Tall, Black, White, Green again, Purple and White again

He can't keep up with them anymore. The man is suddenly in front of him and waving his hands like crazy in his eyes

"Oikawa! Are you alright" Deep voice

"Oikawa?" Stern

Ahh! He already knows who this is. The person he hates the most or so he says

The person he is insecure with

The person he trust

The person he have a lot of respect of

The only one person he wishes to not toss to even though his heart longs to toss for him.

The Ace he respect the most

The only one he talks trash about

The one and only...


I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry (Iwaoi and Sakuatsu Angst) [Discontinued ATM]Where stories live. Discover now